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I bought Non Paded Bra Online from Exclusive Lingerie Store

Diksha Roy
I bought Non Paded Bra Online from Exclusive Lingerie Store

I mostly wear non-padded bras as I already have heavy bust and fortunately, I never have to face issues like popping parts out of my dress. I am a digital nomad, hence I travel to different places and work from there only. For past few months, I was on a rigorous travel, therefore I fall short of bras. And I had to attend a special occasion for which I needed the new bra. I knew, due to too much of workload and back-to-back zoom meetings, I wasn’t able to take out time to get a set of bra for me.

Moreover, I was at the place where I doubt if there was a store which has latest collections. Although I do not prefer online shopping, but what else I could do, so I found an option to Buy Non-Padded Bra Online at the best price. It was delivered to me within 3 days, perfect packaging and product quality is 10/10. You talk about the quality of fabric, it was super soft, accurate cup size which helped me in getting the perfect fitting when I wore dress and colour, they are really good. Straps are still as intact as new. Generally, I have always had a challenge that my bra’s steps lose their elasticity and then body shape goes for a toss. The most embarrassing it becomes when either of the strap peeps out of my tshirt or a top, sometimes on the arm. Working girls like I should try bralettes from Da Intimo.

Highly recommended!!!

Diksha Roy
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