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Tips for overcoming Delhi to Kerala Roadtrip in 2023

Diksha Roy
Tips for overcoming Delhi to Kerala Roadtrip in 2023

What do you need for the drive from Delhi to Kerala? Traveling means you have three modes of transportation at your disposal, and sometimes it can be four as well. You can opt to travel from Delhi to Kerala by road, which means you will do a Delhi to Kerala Road Trip. The second option would be a flight, followed by a train or bus. When we look at flights, they can save you time, but apparently, you will miss out on the natural beauty, local food, and local places across the states. If you are a traveler, not a tourist, and have the time to devote to this trip, you can watch this video on How to Plan a Roadtrip from Delhi to Kerala. One of the couples has shared how they travelled.

Also, if you are on a budget, you can opt for the train, but you will have to make bookings at least a month prior to your visit. Because there is a 50/50 chance, try the IRCTC website directly rather than any third-party agency. The website is slow, but it works. And it will take you between 36 and 48 hours to deboard and arrive at your destination. There, you will have the opportunity to meet a large number of passengers with whom you would like to converse, as well as sample local cuisine and create memories. However, if you can stretch out your budget and time, and if you are a decent driver, only then should you try taking the trip from Delhi to Kerala. You will definitely enjoy and cherish your days driving across the states. Also, whenever you feel like it's doable, refer to travel vlogs; they will help you.

Watch 2-3 travel videos on Delhi to Kerala, and you will gather enough information to drive safely. So, get going; experience the journey from the heart of the country to God’s own country—India is beautiful.

Diksha Roy
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