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How a Gas Chromatography Machine Works, How to Read a Chromatograph.

How a Gas Chromatography Machine Works, How to Read a Chromatograph.

Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique for separating chemical components in a sample mixture and then detecting them to identify their presence or absence, as well as how much of each component is there. Organic molecules or gases are the most common chemical components. These components must be volatile, with a molecular weight below 1250 Da, and thermally stable so that they do not deteriorate in the GC system, in order for GC to be successful in their analysis.

Gas chromatography is a widely utilised technology in almost every industry: for quality control in the manufacturing of a wide range of products, from automobiles to chemicals to medicines; for research, from meteorite analysis to natural product analysis; and for safety, from environmental to food to forensics. To assist the identification of chemical components, gas chromatographs are routinely hyphenated to mass spectrometers (GC-MS).

Read more @ https://tradove.com/blog/Gas-chromatography-is-a-novel-technique-for-separating-and-quantifying-vaporized-compounds-using-a-carrier-gas.html

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