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Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy

Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy

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Cancellation Policy- Although no one makes an aircraft momentarily but in some extreme circumstances one may have to get cancellation which can be done as per the policy given below:

If the cancellation or rather any change is made within 96 hours of the scheduled departure of the flight, an additional 10% of the cost of the ticket will be charged as cancellation fee and in case of death in the family, there will be no cancellation. Fee has to be paid, however, documents will be required for the same.

Cancellation charges will vary depending on the destination of the journey and the terms and conditions in force at the time of purchase, in other words depending on the fare rules section

Etihad Airways 24-Hour Cancellation Policy

Any ticket can be canceled within 24 hours of reservation and you will not have to pay any cancellation amount for the same

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