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Why You Need Cable Trays and Accessories

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Why You Need Cable Trays and Accessories

A cable tray system holds insulated electric cables used for power

distribution and communication. Cable trays are often used for cable management

in commercial and industrial buildings as an alternative to exposed wiring or

electrical conduit systems.

They are especially handy when modifications to a wiring system are expected, because new wires may be placed by placing them in the tray rather than dragging them through a pipe.


·        Hefty Tray

·        Ladder Tray

·        Center Hung

Cable Tray and Accessories

Building wiring requires the use of a cable tray and accessories. They are required for cable management in commercial and industrial construction and provide an alternative to exposed wire or electrical conduit systems. The fittings and add-ons that go with cable tray components are referred to as cable tray accessories.


Aluminum is lightweight and has a strong corrosion resistance. It is also non-magnetic, thus electrical losses are kept to a minimum.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel has a high yield strength and is more corrosion resistant. It's made of AISI 316 chromium steel. Stainless steel is chemical and corrosion resistant. Cable Tray and Related Accessories

Ladder Cable Tray

Ladder trays are metal structures that are prefabricated and consist of two side rails joined by individual transverse elements or rungs. A ladder tray is the most frequent and least expensive form of tray, and it also provides the greatest ventilation for cabling.

Manufacturers and Suppliers of Cable Trays

Power Engineering (PengPK) Best Construction Engineering provides a large selection of cable trays and cable glands in bulk quantities that are available in Lahore, Karachi, and throughout Pakistan. We provide a variety of services for Cable trays in Pakistan Cable Gland and other sheet work at reasonable prices with the quickest conveyance time Tower plate for processing plants.

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