AI Products 

Carparts online store - a hypermarket of automotive products. The site will help you choose and buy spare parts and motor oil for your car:

- Auto parts for all brands of passenger cars. You'll find everything from suspension shock absorbers, batteries, filters to clutch kits, engine pistons, and steering parts

- Motor oils, transmission oils, antifreeze, brake fluids. In the catalog on our site you can conveniently choose by parameters and buy engine oil, lubricant and all types of technical liquids for the car, choose the quality auto-chemistry.

- Goods necessary for technical service (TS) of the car. Filters, brake pads, wipers and spark plugs - in this section you will find everything that often needs to be replaced during maintenance.

How to choose the right part?

1. Selecting parts by VIN-code is one of the most accurate ways. All you need is to specify the identification number of your car VIN which is specified in the vehicle registration number. After entering VIN-code registered users can choose a necessary spare part using OE-original catalogs.

2. Selecting auto parts by car model. Please specify make, model, year of manufacture and engine modification. You will be offered spare parts for different vehicle parts.

For registered clients is available accumulative bonus system - keshbek. With each purchase are added bonuses, which you can use on the following purchases

If you have any questions or difficulties with selection - contact a Carparts specialist or leave a request for selection of spare parts on the site

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