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How To Choose a Baju Kurung for Every Occasion in Malaysia

How To Choose a Baju Kurung for Every Occasion in Malaysia

How To Choose a Baju Kurung for Every Occasion in Malaysia

Baju kurungs are synonymous with Malay culture. It is a traditional outfit worn by women. It's intended to be aesthetically pleasing while conforming to the rules of Islam. Compared to other traditional clothing like the Baju Melayu, Cheongsam, or Sari, it isn't worn on a day to day basis. Its simple and elegant design is suitable to be worn on most occasions instead of just festive gatherings.


Choosing the best baju kurung in Malaysia can be pretty tricky with the vast array of options available. We've got you covered, ladies! We've compiled a list of baju kurung for every special occasion.



One BIG no-no for wedding attire is to upstage the bride. It's their special day, and you don't want to take their spotlight. So, when you're looking for wedding attire, it's essential to avoid matching colours with the bride or being too flashy with heavily bedazzled clothing. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't look fabulous at your friend's wedding. 

Stylia Kurung Moden (Sacramento Green)

Stylia Kurung Moden (Baby Blue)

This Stylia Kurung Modern has stylish gold bling prints on the sleeves and just below the chest. It's flashy but not overdoing it. 


Depending on your personality and the dress code, you can choose between an elegant Sacramento Green or a lighter Baby Blue. Both options avoid clashing with the bride, and neither is overly bright or flashy to take the attention away from the bride.


Job Interview

First impressions are more important than ever. Besides the experience written on your resume, the interviewer also judges you on your body language and presentability. The designs and colours on your outfit convey your confidence, professionalism, and ability to fit in with the work environment. 


For a job interview, you'll need a professional and welcoming style. Solid designs are considered more appropriate than an outfit with polka-dots or stripes. 

Baju Kurung Moden 863 

This baju kurung is perfect for you to appear more confident and well-qualified. The darker blue is a great neutral colour. Blues convey feelings of calm, trust and confidence, which are exceptional qualities for a future employee.


Once you've aced your job interview, you now need to make a good impression on your new co-workers. The versatility of a baju kurung is so good in this situation, as it's appropriate for either a formal or business casual dress code. 

Baju Kurung Moden Sempit 831

The baju kurung is a professional outfit that mixes two colours perfect for the occasion, black and red. Black symbolizes power, leadership, and authority, while red is the colour of confidence. All great traits to have in an employee and a co-worker. Giving off this aura that you mean business might even put you ahead for a promotion in the future.


Festive Gatherings

Malaysia is famous for its multicultural society, which means there will be LOADS of open houses to attend for different festivities. Whether it's Deepavali, Chinese New Year or even Hari Raya, traditional clothing is worn to fit the festive spirit. We've opted for this stylish and elegant baju kurung. The cutting of this outfit is shaped with pesak, a traditional Malay textile.

Violetta Kurung Traditional 8031

With the many superstitions around these festivities, you need to be more sensitive towards other cultures and avoid taboos. Chinese New Year celebrations avoid wearing black and white, resembling mourning and funeral attire in their culture. So another plus point for this baju kurung is that you can re-wear it for multiple occasions!


Baju Kurung Malaysia is so popular due to its tradition and versatility. It also means they are easy to find in physical stores as well as online ones.

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