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Build a Power Lightning Protection System

Build a Power Lightning Protection System

Lightning protection systems are used to prevent or lessen lightning strike damage to all facilities. They protect the internal and external components of a building. Lightning protection can be provided from basic grounding rods to advanced dissipation arrays that prevent lightning from striking in a protected zone. LEC’s technology is recommended where any outage or impairment of operations can create significant losses of equipment and production. Thousands of companies rely on LEC’s innovative technologies including FedEx, Exxon/Mobil, NASA, Duke Energy, Turner Broadcasting and many others. Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, or LEC, is the worldwide leader for industrial lightning prevention and protection products. The LEC Dissipation Array® Systems has been preventing lightning for protected structures since 1971. Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, or LEC, is the worldwide leader for industrial lightning prevention and protection products. LEC is a fully integrated lightning protection solution provider. We will provide you direction for the best performance and most cost-effective solution that suits your project requirements. LEC’s patented solutions provide industrial strength lightning protection to reduce our customers risk of operational loss and liability and provide peace of mind against one of nature’s most powerful forces. Working with LEC you will get a lightning protection system with the capability to eliminate the lightning strikes within zones of protection! Contact us for more details: https://www.lightningprotection.com/

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