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How can Lightning Protection Software Save Your Life?

Axis Electricals
How can Lightning Protection Software Save Your Life?

June 17, 2022: Axis India introduces the ultimate way to design a lightning conductor system for any premises. It is a new step taken by the company to provide a better lightning protection system to save lives, machinery and appliances.

The new Axis Smart Lightning Assistant Software (ASLA) simplifies the process of the formulation of a perfect lightning arresting system for a compound. This software considers the following factors to assess and provide an ideal plan to avail of exclusive material to build such a sound system.

1.      Risk Assessment – This module guides users in designing a lightning protection system. A dashboard allows a user to do the calculations required in predefined fields.

2.      Air Termination – The shape of the lightning protection system along with the arrester is analyzed. It can be formulated as a Rolling Sphere or a Protective Angle. The 3D representation of the arrester in the system will enable a user to find its right placement location.

3.      Earth Termination – This module part is segmented into two significant elements, Substation IEEE 80 and Other Structures. The choices made by a user so far will be calculated to find the number of earth electrodes required following the Type A or Type B Earthing Method. Multiple options will be provided to calculate and choose the best earth resistance available.

4.      Separation Distance – The safest distance to separate the conductors and internal systems will also be calculated for safety measurements. The electrical parts will be kept at a safe distance from each other.

5.      Surge Protection Devices The devices required for the surge protection internal voltage issues and lightning strikes will be offered to add to the system.

The ASLA Software, thus, offers a better platform to plan the earthing system of any infrastructure.

To know more, visit http://axis-india.com/.

Axis Electricals
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