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lightning protection

Bonded Lightning
lightning protection

Established in 1973, Bonded Lightning Protection provides lightning and surge protection for commercial, industrial and residential properties. Since 1973, Bonded Lightning Protection Systems, Inc. has been a leader in lightning protection, grounding, surge protection and lightning warning systems. We have installed systems on countless commercial, historical, industrial and residential properties all over Florida, the Caribbean, and the Eastern United States. Based on our expertise and reputation, Bonded Lightning has served as consultants, designers and installers on thousands of projects, including basic to luxury homes, Miami Dolphin Stadium, Florida Marlins Stadium, American Airlines Arena, Walt Disney World, Miami International Airport, Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Omni Hotel in Nashville and the Coresite Data Center in Virginia.Since 1973, Bonded Lightning Protection Systems, Inc. has been a leader in lightning protection, grounding, surge protection and lightning warning systems. We have installed systems on countless commercial, historical, industrial and residential properties all over Florida, the Caribbean, and the Eastern United States. Based on our expertise and reputation, Bonded Lightning has served as consultants, designers and installers on thousands of projects, including basic to luxury homes, Miami Dolphin Stadium, Florida Marlins Stadium, American Airlines Arena, Walt Disney World, Miami International Airport, Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Omni Hotel in Nashville and the Coresite Data Center in Virginia.Since 1973, Bonded Lightning Protection Systems, Inc. has been a leader in lightning protection, grounding, surge protection and lightning warning systems. We have installed systems on countless commercial, historical, industrial and residential properties all over Florida, the Caribbean, and the Eastern United States. Based on our expertise and reputation, Bonded Lightning has served as consultants, designers and installers on thousands of projects, including basic to luxury homes, Miami Dolphin Stadium, Florida Marlins Stadium, American Airlines Arena, Walt Disney World, Miami International Airport, Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Omni Hotel in Nashville and the Coresite Data Center in Virginia.

Bonded Lightning
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