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Domain Authority: Why it Matters and How to Boost it

Fenzo Digital
Domain Authority: Why it Matters and How to Boost it

The SEO experts will often mention domain authority. Domain authority is determined by a score from 0 to 100, and the SEO consultant in Singapore would describe it as a rating on the chances of your website to rank on search engines. It’s not the actual PageRank, but domain authority reflects on the credibility of your page.

While domain authority per se does not directly affect the page rank on search engine results pages (SERPs), it does attract higher quality backlinks which not only improves page rank, but also drives traffic already. Domain authority matters to other websites, and you need that equity to build a reputation for your SEO practices.

You may check your domain authority using the Moz metric, but these practices are recommended by SEO experts to improve your domain authority.

It Starts with Quality Content

The top SEO in Singapore will always repeat that “content is king” and that is not an exaggeration. For better domain authority, you need to have quality backlinks. Basically, if someone reads an article on your website, they would feel it is good to share, and even other sites will start to recognize it. Singapore SEO agencies need to produce quality content, not just the old SEO service strategy of backlinking without original content.

Singapore SEO agencies also need researchers and content creators like writers and graphic artists as they also provide quality content that their site visitors would share.

Develop Natural Link Building

When your site has insightful and relevant content, the readers would naturally share them, and even those from other blogs and sites. However, SEO service in Singapore would advise that this takes time to develop, and for it to prosper organically, it should not be forced. Search engine optimization in Singapore can be very competitive, but when it comes to content backlinking, working together may be a good thing.

Optimize Your Content

Actual research and writing is only the first step in providing quality content. SEO experts in Singapore will remind you to optimize your content with on-page SEO. The best SEO in Singapore will ensure that they have optimized titles and descriptions through the proper use of headings (H1 and H2) in your articles.

SEO consultants also note that even minor details like the URL structure matter, and your SEO service should also connect with optimized permalinks. This also includes optimizing your images, videos, and other media as your SEO service sees fit.

Upgrade Your Keyword Game

The best SEO in Singapore will reiterate that the old practice of stuffing keywords all over your articles is no longer an efficient SEO strategy. Singapore SEO agencies now strive to insert the keywords naturally, without shoehorning them in the content.

Aside from internal links, the SEO consultant in Singapore also makes it a point to include internal links to your content, as this can also increase the page authority of your other pages. These are all part of the overall domain, so in the bigger picture, it will also increase your domain authority. As you can see, the top SEO in Singapore is only achieved through long-term preparation and planning. 

Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Singapore SEO agencies take their cue from professional sports with the quote, “You can’t ace the game if you’re not in the game.” The mobile arena is where the majority of searches take place, and the latest SEO agencies estimate it at 60%. Your customers are on mobile, even if they have access to desktops or laptops.

The website SEO service should also include a complete line of SEO optimization options at the mobile platform. Otherwise, you miss out on more than half of the customers’ activity time. The number is expected to rise as mobile devices are now as powerful as the desktops and laptops from a couple of years ago. 

Social Media Matters

The best SEO service in Singapore will understand that while social media is not technically part of Google’s page rank, you need to be involved in these different platforms because for most of the day, this is where the customers share, link, and tweet.

Social media has mimicked most of the functions of the websites like news and entertainment sites. The link and video sharing activities in Facebook and Instagram allow access to videos without going to a browser. SEO agencies in Singapore now have social media specialists to ensure that your posts in social media look good and get meaningful engagements.

Sources: https://fenzodigital.com/blog/domain-authority-why-it-matters-and-how-to-boost-it/


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