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SWARAJ 963 Tractor Price in India- Tractorgyan

SWARAJ 963 Tractor Price in India- Tractorgyan

Swaraj 963 FE is a business and eminent being used tractor having a completely pre-arranged power max 60 motor having a force of 220 Nm with 2000 bound/min. The tractor motor is molded on the opportunity of EGR time. There are 3 green chambers utilized over the tractor with a 55 HP with a PTO HP of 51 HP. The Swaraj 963 FE tractor has were given eight ahead and more than one chat pinion wheels that assistance with dealing with its understanding.

The oil-submerged brakes of the tractor with a certification of 2000 hours or 2 years. It has excellent features, quality, and fair price for the tractors keeping them intact and best in use for the farmers and for all kinds of use. The tractor catches everybody’s attention and preference. The tractor has amazing potential and extraordinary part that makes it an ideal fit and the great treat to go on. The Swaraj 963 price is worth Rs 7.55 - 7.85 Lakhs*.Tractor Gyan is the Destination to see the charges of the tractors in a solitary area and analyze tractors considering their expenses.

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