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What You Should Know About Electric Cars & Why They Are The Future Of Transportation

Ikechukwu Macaulay
What You Should Know About Electric Cars & Why They Are The Future Of Transportation

Automobiles are the most common mode of transportation today. Most cars run on gasoline, but in recent years, there has been widespread concern about the rapid deterioration of the ozone layer, which is causing climate change and global warming. These concerns have resulted in innovation and the birth of electric vehicles.

As a result of global warming, technological advancement, business opportunities, and the need for sustainability, cars are becoming more eco-friendly and intelligent with the production of electric vehicles, which is why I believe electric vehicles are the future of transportation.

Electric cars, also known as electric vehicles (EV), are vehicles that run on electricity stored in batteries or fuel cells. Electric cars are not limited to personal vehicles; instead, trucks, bikes, and buses that use electricity are all referred to as electric cars, despite the fact that personal cars are the most popular of the lot.

Electric vehicles are classified into four types: hybrids, fuel cell vehicles, all-electric vehicles, and plug-in hybrids. Electric cars take about 25-60 minutes to fully charge, depending on battery power, and a fully charged electric car can travel between 135 and 345 miles, depending on the make of the car.

Electric vehicles are the transportation of the future because they are powered by clean energy, which protects the environment and the ozone layer from deterioration and humans from air pollution-related diseases.

Electric cars are also quiet, and the cost of operating and maintaining them is minimal when compared to the cost of operating and maintaining a gasoline-powered car.

Many countries are already moving in the direction of clean and sustainable energy. It is expected that by 2025, 9 percent of cars used in America will be electric, and that by 2040, 45 million electric cars will be sold globally each year.

Nigeria's main economic commodity is crude oil, but as the world shifts to clean energy, electric cars will take center stage, and crude oil will no longer be sustainable, forcing Nigeria to follow the trend of electric cars.

The only disadvantage of electric cars is that they are very expensive, often costing nearly twice as much as a regular car. However, I believe that these cars will become more affordable in the future.

Source: Edmob Automotive

Ikechukwu Macaulay
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