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Best Hotel Management College in Agra Introduces About Front Office Department | HIHT World

Heritage Institute Of Hotel & Tourism
Best Hotel Management College in Agra Introduces About Front Office Department | HIHT World

The Front Office is also called the nerve center of a hotel. It can be defined as a front of the housing department located around the foyer and the lobby area of a hospitality property. As this department is located around the foyer area of the hotel and is visible to the guests, patrons, and visitors, they are collectively called “Front Office”.

This department is one of the major operational and revenue-producing departments of the hotel which generates two-thirds of the revenue earned by a hotel from the sale of guest rooms. It involves providing valuable services to the guests during the entire guest cycle consisting of Pre-arrival, Arrival, Occupancy, and Departure.

Importance of Front Office Department:

Traditional Front Office functions include reservation, registration, room and rate assignment, guest services, room status, maintenance and settlement of the guest account, and creation of guest history records.

The Front Office develops and maintains a comprehensive database of guest information, coordinates guest services, and ensures guest satisfaction. These functions are accomplished by personnel in diverse areas of the Front Office Department.

The front office is also known as the face of the hotel. It is the first guest contact area and also the nerve center of the hotel. All the activities and areas of the front office are geared towards supporting guest transactions and services.

To accelerate your Career in Hospitality Industry join India’s best hotel management institute – Heritage Institute Of Hotel & Tourism Agra/ Shimla.

Visit Us:- https://www.hihtworld.com/agra/blog/front-office-department-introduction-operations-and-key-functions/

Heritage Institute Of Hotel & Tourism
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