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Herbal Pest Control: An Eco-Friendly Way To Get Rid Of Bugs.

Siddhivinayak Herbal Pest Control Services
Herbal Pest Control: An Eco-Friendly Way To Get Rid Of Bugs.

Pests infest our homes and expand themselves in a very short period. These pests pose problems to our health and damage our properties. The most common infestations that we find are cockroaches and termites infestations. Cockroaches breed at an unnaturally higher rate. Crawling on our utensils, tables and beds and even our food they cause poisoning and infections. The droppings of these animals might also be responsible for allergic reactions.


Termites eat away our furniture and our wooden doors causing severe damage to our property. Ants and lizards and beetles are a few other pests that make our lives harder. This can generally be avoided by precautionary measures and sanitation. However, when the problem is way beyond our hands, it becomes important to avail of pest control services in Borivali.


Chemical pest control

This is one of the most commonly used pest control measures by companies all over the place. These are effective in getting rid of pests. Sometimes it might more than one appointment to get rid of them.


The most commonly used chemicals in pest control are boric acid, DDT, fipronil and carbamates. Even the slightest mistake that takes place in chemical pest control can damage the health and the property immensely.


Boric acid


It is a white powder that generally is effective in killing mice, fleas, cockroaches and termites. It is sometimes used to get rid of ants. It is available in the form of chalk. This chalk can be used to draw in the areas of ant infestation and get rid of them. However, the major issue with boric acid is its corrosive nature. If it comes in contact with your skin or eyes it will lead to irritation and immense pain. Ingestion of this chemical will lead to severe nausea and vomiting.




Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane or simply known as DDT is a chemical pest control Borivali that is sprayed to get rid of mosquitoes. However, the mosquitoes soon became resistant and eventually, DDT was spread in the ecosystem by food chains. This led to the toxicity of fish that was eventually consumed by the man leading to adverse side effects like vomiting, tremors and seizures.


Although it might seem small, these chemicals are slowly introduced into the ecosystem and harm the animals that are very important for human survival. These chemicals harm our health, our surroundings and our ecosystem. It warrants us all to take a small change and shift towards herbal pest control in Borivali measures.


Herbal pest control uses harmless plant products like lemongrass, cedarwood oil and garlic oil for the management of pests. Plants have evolved to fight pests and we take advantage of this to get rid of them.


Chemical pest control is an effective way but it harms our health and our ecosystem, switching out to a more eco-friendly approach is a small step towards our better health and environment. If you have a pest problem and want to deal with it in an eco-friendly way using herbal pest control services, we suggest you take a look at Siddhivinayak Herbal pest control services.

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Things To Consider Before Availing Of Pest Control Services

Siddhivinayak Herbal Pest Control Services
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