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 Which solar system is best for home? - solar system for home

Ankit vats
 Which solar system is best for home? - solar system for home

Solar system earlier was just referred regarding the space. But now, it also refers to a system that consists a battery, solar panel, inverter, and a balancing of system. A lot of solar systems are being setup today on a large level. But, when it comes to home purpose, which is the best solar system for home?


To decide which solar system is best for home, here are the types of solar system-


Off-grid Solar System:

The off-grid solar system has batteries/battery inverter that store power and act like a backup in times of need. Off-grid solar system is called so because it is independent of the power supply utility grid and isn’t affected by power cuts.


On-grid Solar System:

An off-grid solar system doesn’t include battery to store energy, is dependent on the grid, and can’t be used in power cuts. But the excess electricity generated through an on-grid solar system can also be fed to the grid and the producer of this energy is credited with subsidy, provided net metering is used in this process.


Hybrid Solar System:

hybrid solar system is a combination of an on-grid and an off-grid of solar system in which energy gets stored in the batteries and also feed the grid with the excess electricity that is generated.

Direct Solar System:


In a direct solar system, energy can be stored and can be directly converted to electricity.

Upgrade Solar System:


When one already has a system setup in the house with an inverter and a battery, and wishes to upgrade it into solar without changing the inverter and battery, they just need to install solar panel(s) and a charge controller to their already existing system.

Home lighting system:


A home lighting system is for the ones that still use lanterns, rechargeable lights, and would like to upgrade their lifestyle. A home lighting system is independent of grid and can be used anywhere, but not applicable for heavy power using appliances.



On-grid solar system- Quite efficient for places with less power cuts high electricity bill, but costly.


Off-grid solar system- Suitable for places with more power cuts, and is cost-effective.


Hybrid- For the places that have a balanced and/or unsure power cuts; price varies.


Home lighting system- Rural places or situations that require less electricity.


Upgrade solar system- When one wishes to turn towards solar energy.


Direct solar system- Some appliances can be fixed as well as are portable. For instance, solar cooker, solar water heater, etc.


Ankit vats
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