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How to use zojirushi rice cooker

James T
How to use zojirushi rice cooker

The Zojirushi Neuro-Fuzzy Rice Cooker is a marvelous and versatile product that allows you to create delicious dishes in the comfort of your own home. With its easy use and high quality, it can make rice, porridge, braised dishes, soups, and more! With this product from Japan’s best-known maker of rice cookers, you can be sure that it is going to provide you with many years of service.


This is a how-to article on how to use the zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker. It includes instructions on what to clean, what rice should be used, and even preparation instructions before you start cooking.

 Image Credit : epicurious Website


Let’s Get Started:


#1 - Clean the rice cooker with warm water and a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. In order to maintain the optimum condition of your Zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker, it's important that you clean it thoroughly after each use. Also, keep in mind that the zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker cannot go in the dishwasher.


#2 - Use Nishiki or any other high-quality variety of long-grain white rice. If you are using brown rice, your zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker may not cook it fully. The initial water level and time will vary depending on the type of rice you use so be sure to read the instruction manual for details.


#3 - Place rice in a 1-cup rice measuring cup. If you are using brown rice, the quantity of rice should be approximately 1 cup of uncooked rice.


#4 - Fill your zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker with filtered water, preferably not less than 18 ounces (500 ml). The water will be used for steaming and to keep the steam inside the cooker.


#5 - Add the desired amount of rice and put the lid on. Tell your zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker to cook according to the cooking instructions for brown rice and sturdy or crispy texture. For the best results - make sure that the lid is firmly in place before you start cooking.


#6 - Take out a steaming tray from fuzzy rice cooker when cooking is done.


#7 - Let the rice cool before you open the lid. The warmer the rice, the softer the texture - so it is best to wait until it cools down to a temperature of around 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 55 degrees celsius.


#8 - You can cook more rice and warm it in a microwave oven or bake it in an oven. Likewise, you can also make sushi with your zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker. While it comes with a rice spatula, you can also use any other sushi-making tools of your choice.


#9 - Clean the cover once in a while. Clean it with warm water and wipe it dry after you are done. Also, wash the measuring cup and rice spatula regularly to maintain hygiene and keep the cooker working in tip-top shape for years to come.





The Zojirushi rice cooker is a modern and innovative product that is sure to make your cooking experience enjoyable. It can cook a variety of rice-based dishes, as well as porridge, soup, and other foods in no time. This makes it ideal for busy people who cannot spare the time to cook their meals from scratch but want something that’s healthy and nutritious.

James T
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