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STEM Summer Camp


STEM Summer Camp At Mindsahead's Academy combines fun with the opportunity for kids and teens to build and engineer robots while learning visual coding, and maths learning. Programs typically incorporate competitive challenges where kids and teens task their robots with specific actions. Enroll now!

During summer vacation, many students experience reading loss as a result of being away from school for too long. Enrolling your child in an educational summer camp will help to increase their academic proficiency and give your youngster the opportunity to socialize in a positive environment. Here, the educators at MindsAhead Academy in Hackensack and Edison, NJ, share some of the benefits of summer programs.

In addition to retaining to what they have learned during the school year, summer camp will help students learn new material to get them ready for the upcoming school year. Once a child is on a positive learning track, they often stick with it throughout their academic career. The developmental skills that students learn during a summer program are carried over to all aspects of their life to create a well-rounded student and human being.

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