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Summer Camp For Kids

Summer Camp For Kids

Summer camp is important because it gives an opportunity for the child to grow. The summer camp for kids at Fair Lawn develops social, emotional and cognitive skills in them as they cited a lot before television and enjoyed a lot in summer break. So at the end of the summer break children can explore, learn about themselves, the people around them and they have fun throughout the process in the summer camp programs at Fair Lawn for the last weeks of August.

Summers are striking with a broad set of experiences to spark children’s excitement, interest, and creativity to develop healthy, emotional & social skills in them. Mindsahead Summer Camp is designed by keeping all age children in consideration from 5 years to 14 years. We have set an exemplary prominence in the past few years among parents & children by demonstrating a variety of technical and intrapersonal skills themes including Robotics with visual programming, Coding, Public Speaking, and Entrepreneurship.

Our summer Camp is proposing a whimsical opportunity to let your child turn out to be a scholar. This summer camp will help in setting your child’s mind for next school year. According to the center location; the theme, date and time may vary, so don’t wait to know the schedule and enroll for the summer camp. Nurture brains with us!

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