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Plesk Hosting

Ashley Admas
Plesk Hosting

Plesk Web Hosting uses the Plesk control panel to help you manage all aspects of your website hosting, including domains, email accounts, DNS entries, and more. Plesk Hosting is a simple control panel that works with both Windows and Linux servers, automates server tasks, and ensures website security.

Why is Plesk Hosting the right choice for your website?

Plesk, a hosting control panel, is known for its intuitive user interface and for managing your customer accounts and websites efficiently on both Linux and Windows-based operating systems. You have a variety of options for hosting control panels to choose from. But Plesk offers a huge range of benefits for your website/business.

We’ve listed the top 6 benefits that ensure that Plesk Web Hosting is the right choice for your website:


  • Plesk is compatible with both Windows and Linux-based operating systems (OS), unlike cPanel, which is compatible only with Linux. Therefore, Plesk is sometimes also referred to as an “OS-agnostic control panel”. It is also compatible with VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, cloud server, and sometimes even shared hosting (depending on the provider). So when OS compatibility is your preference, Plesk web hosting is what you should opt for.

Cross Platform Integrations

  • Plesk hosting offers useful cross-platform integrations, which makes it unique. It also offers multiple extensions that help you take charge of your website(s). So if you are a developer or a website owner/manager, you can benefit from Plesk’s integration with Git and Docker. You can also make website management simple from the already included extensions in the Plesk panel.

Admin & Client Functionality

  • As an end-user of Plesk, you get both admin and client functionality with your Plesk panel. This means Plesk web hosting makes it easier for you to manage both servers and accounts and also offers flexibility in terms of control you want to exercise.

User-friendly UI

  • Plesk offers a cleaner and more organized UI as compared to cPanel. While the offered features are similar, Plesk has a better user interface. It is intuitive, clear, and easy to navigate. This makes it simple to use irrespective of your experience level. This is a primary reason why most prefer Plesk hosting these days.

Cost Effective

  • Most of the other control panels, including cPanel, allow you to install plugins at an additional cost. However, Plesk offers installing certain widely used toolkits like WordPress and Joomla for free. Additionally, Plesk consumes less disk space and memory. This makes Plesk web hosting even more cost-effective.


  • SSL encrypts data exchanged between servers and website visitors to protect sensitive information. Plesk ensures the security of your website by offering the option of setting up SSL certificates with just one click. If your website is on WordPress, the best Plesk hosting companies will offer to install automatic updates to ensure your website security.

As a website/business owner, you should aim to choose the best-suited web hosting control panel for your website offering top-notch features at a reasonable price. Understand how web hosting Plesk providers can benefit your website, list down your business requirements, and then choose one from our list.

What To Look For In Best Plesk Hosting Companies Before Choosing Them For Your Business?

We have hand-picked some of the best web hosting Plesk providers, so you don’t have to. You can select one that goes well with your business requirements from our well-researched list.

Some features that you should consider while choosing the best Plesk hosting companies are:

Location of server

  • Server location is crucial in deciding latency. Latency is the time gap in which the data travels from the server to the location. Lesser distance to the server means lower latency and lower latency means a quick response.
  • In simple terms, keeping the server close allows web pages to load faster and thus increasing stickiness to the website. High latency causes delays and reduces the application performance significantly. Look for web hosting Plesk providers on our list who offer the most suitable server location for your business.

IP Reputation

  • Check for the IP reputation of the provider before settling with one. Make sure to find the best Plesk hosting companies having a positive IP reputation so your emails reach the right inbox. If the provider does not have a great reputation, your emails will land up in the spam folder of the recipients.


  • A security scanner should be a non-negotiable factor while finalizing a Plesk provider. A scanner warns in case the security of the website is compromised and highlights the presence of malware in the source code. Therefore, choose the best Plesk hosting companies to offer a scanner to ensure the security of your website 24/7.

Back Ups

  • Some web hosting Plesk providers offer automatic backups of your website on your desktop and other desired locations. This will help to keep your data secure at all times. Your Plesk provider should additionally give you the flexibility of downloading data as per your requirements. Choose a Plesk hosting provider who offers backup of your data (even daily) based on your requirements.

SSD vs HDD Performance

  • The best Plesk hosting companies use an HDD (Hard Disk Drive) or an SSD (Solid State Drive) or a mix of both to store data. Earlier storing data on HDD was more common, however, now storing data on SSD is known to improve the performance of the server significantly. SSDs respond to requests way faster than HDDs, therefore choose a provider that uses SSD for better performance.


  • Choose web hosting Plesk providers that set up a Litespeed web server. This ensures that the HTTPS/3 functionality is present by default which is crucial to exchange information over the web and managing google rankings.


  • Extensions make your life easier. For instance, security-related extensions help to prepare for any kind of malicious attacks and make sure data is not compromised. Similarly, website management-related extensions help to manage your website more efficiently by automating most of the tasks. Therefore, choose a Plesk web hosting provider who offers extensions like DDos protection, WordPress Toolkit, Speedkit, etc. at the best prices if not free.

24/7 Support

  • The other important factor to consider while selecting a Plesk web hosting control panel provider is to ensure that you get 24/7 support from the provider. Your website works 24/7 and hence, it requires round-the-clock maintenance and support. Plesk is the interface that helps in controlling and managing your website. You should look for a provider from our list who allows you to keep the website secure and keep the interface light.

Ashley Admas
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