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Novo Med Spa

Novo Med Spa
Novo Med Spa

Novo Med Spa is a full-service medical skincare practice in Frisco, TX. With a wide range of services for both men and women, our team’s mission is to uphold an atmosphere of professionalism, personal attention, and excellence in care. Your interests and concerns are addressed by a compassionate, service-driven team of professionals offering innovative therapies and medically progressive skincare.




5858 Main St Suite 280, Frisco, TX, 75033

Phone Number:


Business Hours:

Monday 10:00am – 5:30pm

Tuesday 10:00am – 7:00pm

Wednesday 10:00am – 5:30pm

Thursday 10:00am – 5:30pm

Friday 10:00am – 3:30pm

Novo Med Spa is a full-service medical skincare practice in Frisco, TX. With a wide range of services for both men and women, our team’s mission is to uphold an atmosphere of professionalism, personal attention, and excellence in care. Your interests and concerns are addressed by a compassionate, service-driven team of professionals offering innovative therapies and medically progressive skincare.

Novo Med Spa is a full-service medical skincare practice in Frisco, TX. With a wide range of services for both men and women, our team’s mission is to uphold an atmosphere of professionalism, personal attention, and excellence in care. Your interests and concerns are addressed by a compassionate, service-driven team of professionals offering innovative therapies and medically progressive skincare.

Novo Med Spa
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