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Rebari - 2323 Designs

Rebari - 2323 Designs

23:23 Designs supports Rebari Artisans from Kutch.

Please write to us at info@2323designs.in for Customized and corporate orders.

For as long as the Rabaris have been on this earth, the Rabari traditional embroidery has been in existence. The difference in the styles gives out the differences in the various Rabari communities that range from Kutch to Rajasthan.

Crafted by this indigenous community residing in Kutch, this variety of embroidery is known for the use of mirrors in various size and shapes. The variety of stitching styles defined in this embroidery has made the tradition of Kutch Rabari embroidery famous across the world. Along with mirrors, the chain stitch method used to outline the garments decoratively has given this style a unique and beautiful edge over various others in the league.

Traditionally it is taught to the womenfolk of the place. Very local yet very beautiful, this tradition has its roots somewhere in mythology as well. The Rabaris, in spite of being nomadic, have not shared their traditional embroidery secret with anyone. It is still very much Kutchi in nature.

Crafted by this indigenous community residing in Kutch, this variety of embroidery is known for the use of mirrors in various size and shapes.

Buy handmade gifts for girls online, at 2323 Designs. ... to weave the woolen veil cloths and coarse woolen blanket for the Rabari community.

To know more: https://2323designs.in/blogs/craft/rebari

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