Want to know how to get ISO certification? You are at the right place, click here and know 6 seamless steps for ISO certification.
- The applicant will enter into a contract with the registrar, which signifies the rights and obligations of both parties.
- ISO-appointed auditors will review the quality manuals and documents concerning various policies and procedures followed by the establishment. This will assist the auditor in estimating the potential gaps against the prescribed ISO requirements.
- Further, an action plan needs to be prepared to eradicate the gaps. Moreover, employees will require training to adopt the new procedures to improve efficiency. In simpler words, every employee must possess knowledge regarding the ISO standards and policies.
- Then, there would be auditing in two stages. In stage-1, the ISO auditor will check the changes made by the applicant to find the potential nonconformities in the system and procedures. Then, an auditor will categorize the minor and major non-conformities. In stage-2, the auditor will complete the auditing for the final time to check whether all the non-conformities are eradicated or not.
- Once a product satisfies the ISO standards, a final report will be made and forwarded to the registrar.
- Lastly, if your product withstands the ISO standards and requirements, a certificate will be obtained.