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Tips to Keep Your Gums Healthy- Bayswater Dentist

Vijay Ramsundaranm
Tips to Keep Your Gums Healthy- Bayswater Dentist

5 Tips to Keep Your Gums Healthy

Smiling helps you live longer and also lets your teeth breathe. But when your gums are all puffy or bleeding, maintaining a simple smile can be challenging. This is why you should strive to keep your gums healthy. That said, besides brushing your teeth twice a day and using dental floss, below are other ways to keep gums healthy;

1.   Use mouthwash

There are various benefits attached to regular use of mouthwash. These include preventing gum diseases, freshening your breath, and reducing the amount of plaque on your teeth.

Typically, mouthwash comes in two forms; cosmetic and therapeutic, both of which you can get in any local store. But go for products approved and certified as safe and effective.

Please note that mouthwash is not recommended for children under six years. In the same regard, mouthwash is not an excuse to skip brushing. While mouthwash gets rid of the short-term plague, brushing helps eliminate the sticky plaque and bacteria.

Ideally, use a mouthwash after you brush your teeth.

2.   Look Out for Signs of Gum Disease.

Gum diseases or periodontal disease affect about 47.2% of people under 30 years, and its prevalence rate increases with age affecting about 70.1% of adults under 65 years. But luckily, this disease is preventable. Since it arises from poor oral health, you can reduce the chances of developing it by maintaining good oral hygiene and following the tips laid out in this post.  

While at it, regularly check your gums and lookout for signs of gum diseases. These signs include; loose teeth, bleeding gums, puffiness, bad breath, and receding gums.

If you notice any signs, please visit your dentist immediately for a further check-up. It is best to treat them on the on-set before they progress with such diseases.

3.   Get a dental check-up every 6 months

It is recommended that you visit your dentist twice a year. These visits are intended to check your oral health and get a professional mouth cleaning to remove tartar. Typically, we often miss some sport while we brush, especially the out-of-sight molars. Over time, the food particles left behind lead to plaque and bacteria build-up.

Regular visits for dental care at Bayswater also help identify early signs of gum disease and gingivitis that are often hard to note. Check-ups help you maintain your natural teeth in the long run because once damaged, the human teeth cannot repair themselves.

4.   Don't Be Quick to Rinse your Mouth.

Like most people, you probably hate the aftertaste of toothpaste in your mouth if you're like most people. After brushing, we rinse out the toothpaste; however, most dentists advise against this. Toothpaste contains fluoride, which prevents tooth decay, and rinsing it out robs your teeth and gums of this valuable mineral.

5.   Eat Healthy Foods

Lastly, it all comes down to the food you eat. To keep your gums healthy, you need to eat healthy foods. You need to drop or avoid overly sugary and fuzzy foods and drinks. Such foods lead to tooth decay and bacteria growth. Avoid foods that are too hard to avoid cracking your teeth.

Additionally, drop some habits such as smoking, which harms your gums and teeth.

Go for vitamin-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables that are good for your gums.


Good oral hygiene is easy to adopt with regular dental check-ups, mouthwash, brushing, and eating good food. However, you have to maintain this hygiene to keep your gums, teeth, and tongue in good shape. Make an appointment with us at Bayswater Dentist for dental check-ups and examinations.


Vijay Ramsundaranm
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