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Power cables, Fireproof cable, Aluminum alloy cable laying method

Yeri Lee
Power cables, Fireproof cable, Aluminum alloy cable laying method

The cable is laid in the following ways:

Direct burial laying, laying through the pipe, shallow groove laying, cable trench laying, cable tunnel laying, overhead laying several ways.

All have advantages and disadvantages, generally considering urban development planning, the density of existing buildings cable line length laying number and the impact of its surrounding environment. From the technical comparison, cable tunneling and cable trenching are convenient for cable construction, maintenance and maintenance.

In some cities of developed countries, public tunnels have been considered in urban planning and construction.

The practice has proved that public tunnels work well, greatly reducing the number of repeated investments and repeated excavation of the road surface, but the initial investment is huge, and construction materials cost money. In China, due to various factors, this laying method is very little.

In comparison, the direct buried laying and shallow groove laying is an economic laying methods, direct buried cable is the most economical and extensive department of electricity laying method, it is used in the suburbs and less frequent vehicle traffic. However, it is not conducive to cable maintenance and maintenance, once the cable fails, even if the use of a tester to measure the fault point, but also to dig the cable trench again, is extremely inconvenient.

Therefore, the choice of cable laying method, to combine the actual situation, according to the engineering conditions, environmental characteristics, cable type and a number of factors, with the development of vision, in accordance with the requirements to meet the operational reliability, ease of maintenance and technical and economic rational principles to determine.

Yeri Lee
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