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Which Universities that accept TOEFL in Germany?

Which Universities that accept TOEFL in Germany?

There are only a few places that provide an excellent level of education at a low cost, and one of such countries is Germany. International students across the globe land in Germany for its reputation as a good study destination. Additionally, living cost in Germany is relatively lower than in many other European countries. Another plus is the fact that when you’re in Germany, you don't need to speak German at a German university.

Germany continues to be a big attraction for overseas students because all public universities have no tuition fees at the undergraduate and Ph.D. levels. Germany is home to global leaders in Engineering and Medicine. In addition, Germany's universities are noted for their well-structured programs that provide students with hands-on experience, resulting in disciplined students who are known for their work consistency.


Why does education in Germany matter?

Top organizations look for students who have graduated from German institutions and have experience participating in active research. Also, students looking for ideas for their start-up or business will benefit significantly from Germany's great educational system. Germany is a country where unemployment has been declining year after year, and obtaining work is very simple. Plus, this country takes excellent delight in honoring cultures and festivals, with up to two weeks of public holidays, primarily known for its Christmas celebrations. The German train system is recognized as one of the most elegant and traveling, and visiting locations is always one of the highlights.


TOEFL iBT exam

The TOEFL exam is often regarded as the most accurate English-based examination available, providing a clear picture of a student's English competence. As a centralized scoring network handles it, the TOEFL Test has been one of the most consistent tests. It is also advantageous to pupils because it is deemed more convenient, and there is an abundance of learning material available and quickly accessible. The TOEFL exam has a two-year validity period and is accepted by over 11,500 universities in over 160 countries.


German institutions frequently prefer TOEFL exam scores for admittance to English-taught programs. You can take the TOEFL Exam for Germany for roughly INR 15,000 in fees. So, if you’re wondering which universities accept TOEFL in Germany, here’s a list of top German universities and their TOEFL Score needed for admission consideration. 


University Accept TOEFl Score - Expected cutoff

  • Technische Universität München - 90
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - 85
  • Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - 90
  • Freie Universität Berlin - 100+
  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen - 90
  • Technische Universität Berlin - 80
  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - 95
  • Universität Freiburg - 100+
  • Ulm University - 72
  • University of Würzburg - 90
  • TU Dresden - 90
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - 88
  • University of Hohenheim - 90
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena - 95
  • University of Münster - 85
  • University of Kiel - 90
  • University of Potsdam - 95
  • Darmstadt University of Technology - 88



If you plan to pursue a degree in Germany, make sure to prepare and apply for TOEFL well in advance. Germany is a world leader in Engineering and Medicine. Germany is also one of the top five most economical destinations to study, with plenty of job opportunities for international students. Germany also provides a generous research grant to students who excel in their studies.


The TOEFL exam is widely regarded as the most accurate English-based exam, and most German colleges use it to assess English language proficiency.

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