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How to Win The Battle In Your Mind-Charles Milander.

Charles Milander
How to Win The Battle In Your Mind-Charles Milander.

Battles have existed since the beginning of time. Battles are a part of human life. They have existed since the Garden of Eden. However, I'd like to discuss another battle in which 100% of those reading this are engaged every day of their lives: the battle for change. It's the battle between the "old me", and the "new me", the battle of "us1.0" versus" us 2.0. Our past versus what lies ahead. Who I am and who I can become. 

Every day, the battlefield is in our heads. The stake is not land or possession, but the future of our family and business. Who's to say any of these battles are more important for our children than the battle for the mind that each of us faces every day as an entrepreneur. 

This battle requires honest assessment. If we don't honestly assess ourselves and the future, then we won't make the right decisions. What are we doing? Where are we? Am I truly on the path to success or just on the road? What's going on inside me? What is happening inside me? These are important questions that we need to actively explore. We often think that we are doing a good job in business. To move up to the next level, you need to do a thorough self-analysis. 

Your business should be viewed as if it is heading north. There are two lanes on the northbound road. There are two lanes on the road heading north. The right lane has a speed limit of 30 miles per hour, while the left lane has an unlimited speed limit. We know we can grow our business if we move to the left-hand side. We still live on the right-hand side of things because most people are lazy and not very ambitious. You must invest time in the right-hand lane with a limitless speed limit if you want to achieve great success in your business. 

You may be wondering what that looks like. Here are some comparisons of the lanes to help identify which lanes you're currently using and how you can shift them. 

Now vs. Later: Working 30 miles per hour means that you are always pushing things back until later. There is no concept of later. What is the name of it when it arrives? It's called now! It's an illusion. We use it as an excuse. Waiting only leads to apprehension. No matter what you fear, the longer you wait, the greater your apprehension. However, action is liberating. It is better to do something now than it is later. Do what you can now and not wait -- today is the best day. 

Commitment vs. Convenience: It is not something that we do in a hurry; we commit to something and then follow through. Convenience, on the other hand, is determined by emotions. I do it because I like it. It is impossible to build a large company that works only when you feel like it. 

Consistent is better than inconsistent Sporadic: It is better to do the right things consistently than be sporadic. It is much easier to take spontaneous action because it doesn't require any planning. However, consistency is the key to forming a successful habit. You can either be inconsistent or sporadic. Be consistent. 

Goals vs. Aimless: goals help us stay focused. The power of a goal lies not in its size, but its achievement. Attaining goals is equal to success. You will feel lost even when you win if you don't have a goal. 

If you are a leader and you speak about values, identity (corporate identity or individual identity), or long-term goals, you have an intent to inspire. Click here for more updates- family life coach in new York.

Belief vs. Doubt: You can't outwork doubt. A strong work ethic combined with doubt is a great thing. 

 Strategic vs. Haphazard: Haphazardness doesn't allow you to create continuity. To build a strong business and a team, you need to have continuity. People must know where they are heading and what the battle is. Imagine a leader saying, "I'm not sure. Just fight!" It's impossible to just fight. You must be able to identify who you are fighting, where you are fighting, what you're doing, and why. That's the essence of strategic thinking. 

Focus vs. Distractions: The world is full of distractions. Distractions can be caused by things like children, finances, death, sickness, poor business decisions, financial problems, and many other factors. You can still run 70-plus mph an hour while being distracted and staying focused. Multitasking is what it's called. Multitasking is possible even if you are distracted. You can still grow your business tremendously. Distractions should not be used as excuses. Instead, use them to your advantage. 

Family vs. Family: Life is full of choices. The road to success offers two lanes. You can only go 30 mph in the right lane. This is where you will find all the exit lanes, scenic views, and party breaks. The left-hand lane is where your family's future (at work and home) lies. People who view their business as a burden are not people we want to be around. Spend some time in your left lane, whether it's for one week, one month, or six months. Stay in the left-hand lanes.


You don't need a talent shortage, an education deficit, or an opportunity deficit. All you have is a decision deficit. Keep telling yourself, "I can accomplish this!" 

According to Charles Milander coaches of any kind can no longer simply command people to do their job. While they may follow your instructions if you’re watching them, once they’re on their own, they’ll do what is best for them.

Name :-Charles Milander

Add. :- 276 5th Avenue, Suite 704, New York, NY

Charles Milander
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