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TheTransia – A translation agency you can trust on

Rajinfo Technology Services
TheTransia – A translation agency you can trust on

Being in language industry for more than a decade TheTransia has become the symbol of trust in Translation and Transcription sector.

Be it a matter of quality, timely delivery, confidentially of your content or information, and post-delivery services; TheTransia has become the first choice of everyone looking for the best language solution.

As we believe in delivering what we are best in and therefore offer specialized and select language services so as we can remain master of our sector. We can be trusted because we believe in delivering more than we commit.

We are dedicated to honor every commit that we make with our clients whether it is of timely delivery, accuracy confidentiality of data/information. We deliver certified translation for the purposes of producing before courts, embassies, government departments, tribunals, academic institutions and wherever the certified translation is needed.

As our certified translation ensure its acceptability by almost all the organizations, departments, and agencies wherein we take the onus of accuracy and completeness. Such certified translation as well as transcription produced by TheTransia also makes us trustworthy as well as reliable translation and transcription agency in India.

Why legal transcription is required:- If you are facing any litigation or prosecution and therefore want to support any legal proceeding by way of producing electronic evidence before any court of law or investigating authority in India then prior to the same such electronic record (Audio recording, video recording, mobile call recording.

Rajinfo Technology Services
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