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How To Pick The Most Suitable Adjustable Height Table?

Stephan Frueeh
How To Pick The Most Suitable Adjustable Height Table?

The modern office settings have advanced furniture solutions that not just focus on usability but also aim to improve the work quality and safety of the employees. An adjustable height table is one such furniture solution that fits the criteria.

With the use of height adjustable tables, employees are able to get increased organic movement and ditch the unhealthy sedentary lifestyle. There are many more benefits of using height adjustable tables which makes them a popular choice in today’s contemporary office environment. (Information source: https://www.rdm-ind.com/product-category/industrial-work-tables/adjustable-height-tables/)

But as its popularity for it grew, there are a number of options available and finding the most suitable one is important to get the best use out of it. For those who are looking forward to picking the right adjustable height table, we are here to help you out.

Listed below are some important considerations which will guide you to choose the right table.

1. The Office Space

You need to assess your office space before you pick an adjustable height desk or table. It would be a bad decision if the table that you picked doesn’t really fit in your office space.

Therefore, you need to review the square footage of the office space available. Additionally, you also need to consider the requirements of your workstations. This means if your employees use laptops instead of desktops then it would only make sense to go for a suitable sized table.

However, if the workstation requires more than one device to be kept then it is recommended to go for a large sized adjustable height table that will fit everything suitably.

2. Overall Budget

Depending on your office budget, how much are you able to spend on buying an adjustable height desk. You would not want to splurge and spend all the money on just one piece of furniture.

Therefore, it is more than important for you to review your overall budget before you shop for height adjustable tables. If you have a big budget then you can go for such tables with extra features.

This will maximize the efficiency and performance of the table and give your employees a better workspace. However, if your budget is limited then you can always go for standardly priced adjustable height desks as they would perfectly suffice the needs of the office and also offer the perks of using it.

3. Height Range

When choosing an adjustable height table, you need to consider the height range that it offers. Ideally, experts recommend going for desks that provide a height range of between 22.6” and 48.7”.

This height range fits a majority of the population worldwide. The height range becomes even more important to be considered when the table is used in a shared office space and employees of different statures use the same workstation.

So, keep in mind to go through the height range before you purchase an adjustable height table for your office.

4. Weight Capacity

The next important factor that needs to be considered is how much weight can the table handle? The weight capacity entirely depends on for what purpose the table will be used and the required equipment for serving that purpose.

If you are buying an adjustable height table for your home setting then you’ll probably be using a laptop and a few other work items on top of it. For that you won’t require to buy a table that can hold 200 pounds of weight.

On the contrary, if the table is needed for holding heavy equipment such as three monitors along with printers, then you need a table that has increased weight capacity.

These are a few things that you need to consider for choosing the most suitable adjustable height table.

Stephan Frueeh
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