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Swivel Joints Guide: What Are They & How They Work

Woodfield Systems International
Swivel Joints Guide: What Are They & How They Work

One of the biggest hurdles of loading and unloading fluidic substances is the resistance created in the joints. Sometimes, the hoses lose their integrity in the joints when loading and unloading corrosive chemical substances. Rigid pipelines also cause hindrance to the flexibility of this process. Here the swivel joints come into the picture. They are the heart of any loading arm or movable pipework system. 


What are swivel joints?

A swivel joint is a machined component adding precision to the connection without causing hindrance due to bends in the loading hoses for heavy loads, smooth operation, ease of maintenance, and long life. And with the added benefits of a super low profile and a replacement ball track cassette.

The work function of swivel joints

Swivel joints are considered the heart of loading arms in the chemical, petrochemical, and other industries. They are the prime constituent of the pipelines used for loading fluidic substances in the carrier tanks.

The prime function of these joints is to add the highest-level flexibility or degree of freedom to move, turn, and twist loading arms without causing stress on the flow.

·        Features of swivel joints

  • A swivel joint is designed based on the specifications of an industrial process where a loading arm is required- standard operating temperature range -40C to 240C (material and seal dependent).
  • The materials for solid and durable joints are stainless steel, aluminum, special alloys, carbon steel, etc.
  • Standard flange (product path) materials of construction
  • A105 Carbon steel
  • 304L & 316L Stainless steel
  • Forged Aluminium 6063-T6
  • Specialty materials available:
  • Duplex & Super Duplex stainless steel
  • 904L Stainless steel
  • Inconel
  • Seal material to suit the application, typically Viton™, Nitrile, PTFE, Kalrez™
  • ·        The raceways are hardened inside to reduce corrosion and erosion from constant fluid flow.
  • Flanged connections add to the design for longevity and easy operation. The split flange design also allows for maximum maintenance efficiency.

How to choose a swivel joint?

The choice of a swivel joint depends on the operation of a loading arm. It also depends on the type of fluid to be transferred to the loading carriers. It will also depend on the design of a loading arm and the range of flexibility required.

You should purchase the swivel joints from the top brands that offer tested and certified products to install. Determine the features needed in these joints according to the terminal loading arms and choose items with a good warranty.

Let us help you find the right swivel joint. Contact us now!

Woodfield Systems International
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