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Corporate Jacket And Apparel: 4 Tips To Get Everyone’s Size

Uno Apparel
Corporate Jacket And Apparel: 4 Tips To Get Everyone’s Size

Contacting an apparel supplier in Singapore is the first step in providing comfortable clothes for your employees, and getting their sizes is the second, but most companies experience difficulties doing this. Not only does it take too much time, but people also do not know what program to use or how to do it efficiently. 

Here are some tips to make your life easier: 

1. Instead of handing our surveys to know their garment and body measurements, you can start with ordering the standard sizes for your custom jacket or any other garment in Singapore. Why? This process is more convenient than asking them individually before ordering. You can also present to them the garment measurements of your apparel and give them time to decide. 

2. Present the numbers accurately. First, your corporate jacket in Singapore has sizes and measurements, and you should provide everyone with the correct numbers. If the size small indicates a 30 inches waist, then make sure to put that in the reminders or file where the details are written. 

3. Your employees might need to measure their garments to examine what size for the custom jacket they need. Provide pictures of the garment, like the ones you see on online retailers, on how to measure them. It can be putting arrows to indicate the length or tips that help them get the exact numbers. (Tip: Ask the jacket printing company in Singapore for tips on making an easy-to-understand guide.) 

4. Give a sufficient amount of time before finalising your order. Did you hand out a sizing guide, and your employees need to measure their garments to find the best fit for their corporate jacket? Allot a few days to help them accomplish this task. Being lenient with these things while implementing a deadline goes a long way, and it will prevent errors and other issues. 

Are you looking for a t shirt printing company online in Singapore? Head over to Uno Apparel, and provide garments for employees, friends, students, and anyone you like! Visit their website to learn more. 

Uno Apparel
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