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How long do family photos take?

Daniella Photographer
How long do family photos take?

Worried about how long or short the photo session is going to be? I get it! Small kids don’t have the longest attention spans and you are nervous as to how they are going to go at their photoshoot. Well… in short. Don’t be nervous. I LOVE working with kids and it is my goal and passion to make sure that your little ones are relaxed, at ease and having fun at their family photoshoot Sydney. Expect your kids to smiling, running around and begging me to play with them! You want be wishing for it to end or feeling like it is taking too long.

I personally don’t put a set timer on my family photoshoots. I will shoot between 1 hour to 1.5 hours depending on when I feel that I got the shots we came to capture. That way you can leave with the peace of mind knowing that no matter how long or short it takes, you will always walk away with magnificent family portraits.

There are a few factors that impact the how long your family portrait photography takes.

·       How many people in your family?

At each photoshoot I spend time capturing natural authentic photos of each of your children. So, if you have one child it may take a little faster than if you have a larger family. Larger families also need lots of different combinations of family members in the photos and this can also add time on to your photoshoot.

·       How much walking is required at the location we choose?

Some locations are smaller and there is no walking required, others are more vast and require five or more minutes just to get to the right spot to begin and then time in between each photo where we walk from one spot to the next. Picture it as an adventure, have fun with your kids in between and during photos and your pictures will turn out great!

·       How is your child feeling?

I am conscious that family photoshoots usually take place at sunset, and depending on the time of year, this can be less than ideal for young kids. I recommend giving kids a snack or dinner before we start. If they are little enough to have had a nap during the day, make sure you are at home and prepared for this on the day of your photoshoot. (e.g. don’t plan a big family lunch over nap time if you want them well rested for a late photoshoot!)

Usually, once your little one has had dinner, the excitement of getting dressed up to go on a big adventure at bed time puts them in a great mood and they always enjoy the experience.

Additionally, if your child is having the best time playing and exploring the environment, I will generally keep shooting until the sun sets as those are the best moments to capture. If they are having a tough time, I will work quickly so that we don’t drag it out for them. Or, maybe we will just take a minute for them to relax and settle in before starting.

All these different elements can make the session shorter or longer… This is why I don’t just call it after an hour – it is so hard to know how long we actually need!

Once the sun sets, the photoshoot is always over although depending on the location we can continue well into the “blue hour” (the time of day just as the sun dips behind the horizon, the light is magical!). I will schedule your start time depending on your family’s size and the location you have chosen. Some location will need an earlier start time as the sun will disappear behind a hill or building earlier than others. Some locations we can start later because if we start too early in the afternoon the sun is still very bright and unflattering.

With over 10 years of experience at being a professional family photographer Sydney, I know when we are done and I will let you know we are finished. As a mum I also try avoid pushing the photoshoot too long that your kids just get over it, its always better to end on a high note!

If you are ready to book your photoshoot in, click here to visit my contact us page.


Daniella Photographer
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