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Female Dentist in Karachi

Dr. Siddiqua Fatima Manekia
Female Dentist in Karachi

Female Dentist in Karachi

Dental Care Tips That Will Make Your Teeth Healthier

Improper care of your teeth is linked to maladies such as gingivitis, halitosis, and even deadly infections. Like most people, you've probably learned since childhood that brushing and flossing must be performed multiple times daily. Despite this, so many people struggle with cavities, gum disease, and weakened enamel. Fortunately, there is much you can do to promote a bright, healthy smile.

If you are under a prescription medication, you might experience bad breath and dry mouth as side effects. This lack of moisture can lead to cavities and toothaches. Talk to your doctor about the medication you have been using. If that is true, you may be able to take a different medicine. If that's not the case, your dentist may be able to recommend treatment for the dry mouth issues.

Make sure that you're brushing your teeth regularly. You should try to brush your teeth after every meal. If you cannot brush after each meal, try to brush twice a day. Brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes. Use a toothpaste that has fluoride and avoid brushing too hard. Always keep in mind that floss should be used once your teeth have been brushed clean.

A tongue that's healthy is very important when thinking of your dental hygiene. To make sure you're healthy, you need to get a tongue scraper to use when you brush your teeth. It's a cheap way to remove tongue bacteria. If you don't have a tongue scraper, use your toothbrush to scrub your tongue.

Dr. Siddiqua Fatima Manekia
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