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Affordable 2d echo test in Hyderabad - DM heart care clinic

dm heart care clinic
Affordable 2d echo test in Hyderabad - DM heart care clinic

A two-dimensional echocardiogram, often known as 2D ECHO, is a test that allows a physician to see a beating heart through the use of ultrasonic waves generated by portable equipment known as a transducer. A transducer generates sound waves when a variable voltage is applied to a piezoelectric crystal, also known as a transducer's "specific type of crystal." Physically, piezoelectric crystals resemble quartz.

The device is pointed toward the heart, causing the sound waves to reflect off of the heart's numerous tissues. In the receiving mode, the crystal captures these electromagnetic waves and converts them into electrical impulses. These electrical signals can then be used to produce an image of the heart on a computer monitor.

There are various types of the 2D ECHO exam, but transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is the gold standard. Ultrasonic waves, which have a frequency greater than 20 kilohertz and are consequently inaudible to the human ear, are poorly transmitted through bone and air but are reflected at the interfaces of two tissues, according to the TTE theory. Therefore, to obtain a 2D image of the heart from a variety of angles, the transducer must be held in a number of acoustic windows on the chest.

The primary objective of a 2D ECHO examination is to discover a variety of cardiac illnesses and disorders. To have a deeper understanding of the topics described below, a doctor may recommend 2D ECHO exams.

Measurements and arrangement of the heart and each of its chambers: The heart may enlarge as a result of high blood pressure (BP), or the lower chambers of the heart, known as the ventricles, may enlarge due to a variety of diseases, resulting in inefficient blood circulation.

The pericardium, often known as the sac surrounding the heart, consists of the following structures: Compression of the heart can cause a variety of signs and symptoms, such as a sudden drop in blood pressure, the absence of heart sounds, shortness of breath, weakness, and coughing. Under particular conditions, this can occur when fluid accumulates within the pericardium.

Heart muscles: Heart attacks can lead to the deterioration of the heart's muscles, which further lowers the volume of blood given to the heart.

Heart valves: A 2D ECHO test can be used to associate the symptoms of faulty heart valves, such as fatigue, leg edema, and changes in heart sounds on auscultation, with faulty heart valves. Examples of such signs and symptoms include coagulation of the blood. This test is advised for individuals who are currently experiencing a stroke or who have a history of having one in order to detect the location and extent of heart tissue damage.

Compared to a typical echocardiogram, 2D ECHO can detect congenital cardiac defects in newborns, such as a hole in the heart's wall.

dm heart care clinic
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