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Top Mistakes Organisations Make When They Don’t Hire Tender Services

 Top Mistakes Organisations Make When They Don’t Hire Tender Services

Some construction companies perform all the tasks associated with the bidding procedure. However, their success rate leaves much to be desired. True, some organisations can get by without hiring tender services, but for the most part, the complex world of tender preparation can overwhelm even the most patient manager.    

Here are some common pitfalls when you don’t hire tender writers to prepare your bid proposal. Maybe you will find some of them to be painfully familiar:

1. Not meeting specifications

Tender writers are renowned for their attention to detail. But experience allows them to pick up what the potential client wants and highlight your capability to fulfil the requirements. Unfortunately, organisations sometimes commit the errors while working to complete their tender writing. As a result, they completely miss the mark.

In a highly competitive bid, the client would have no choice but to award the tender to someone else even if you are eligible.

2. Too wordy tender proposal

Tender services know the importance of the bidding document. The bidding process is essentially a high-stakes courtship. You must highlight your strengths and minimise your flaws to ensure that your proposal stands out. So, your tender application must be clear, concise, and straight to the point.

But that’s not all. You must also ensure that your proposal is there to impress. And sometimes, money is not the only motivation, which explains why the organisation with the lowest bid does not win in some tenders.

3. Flawed formatting

Another mistake that organisations make is improper tender formatting. The project proponent typically sends a template for writers to follow. Usually, the documents include a response form that you must fill out. Each response has a word limit and must adhere to the required file format.

They would also require you to submit a specified number of copies. If you do not heed the instructions correctly, it’s enough grounds to exclude you from the bidding. After all, you cannot be trusted implementing the project when you can’t even follow simple instructions.

In addition, the submitted documents must be well-organised so that the assessing team won’t waste time browsing through your application.

4. Missing information

Organisations might skip some crucial information specified in the bidding. It’s because they fail to appreciate the significance of an item. What they might mistake for trivial is, in fact, a crucial component of the tender. A tender usually includes the following basic information:

  • The Australian Business Number
  • Product pricing and whether the cost is fixed or adjustable
  • Delivery fees and other details
  • Goods and services tax and other levies
  • Insurance
  • Special conditions that may impact pricing
  • Schedule of deliveries
  • Whether you will subcontract or contract the job yourself

But there are several other details that you must incorporate in your tender proposal. Sometimes, the specification is not explicit, so only tender specialists can spot it after drawing from their extensive experience dealing with multiple agencies.

Tender writers will demonstrate that your organisation understands the specifications stated in the bid. By doing so, the potential client will entrust their project to you with the full belief that you can deliver.

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