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How Can I Complain To Oman Air?

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While traveling to your desired destination, if you face any issues like flight delay, damaged luggage, or not getting essential facilities, you can easily complain. If you make the bookings with Oman Air, you will get this facility, and if you want to send your complaint to Oman air, you can read below.


Ways to complain about Oman air are below mention.


Via Call: To register your complaint quickly, you have to go with the call option as it will save time, and the representative will quickly know about your issue. You must dial this Oman Air phone number 1-201-205-2115 and select the preferred language. Following this, you need to follow the IVR. 

Press 1 to make new bookings

Press 2 to modify the bookings or cancel the flight

Press 3 If you want to know about refund policies or apply for a refund

Press 4. If you have queries related to luggage

Press 5 To connect with the representative


Choose the option and connect with the representative.


Via online: If you face any long call hold issue or network glitch, you can also send your complaint online. If you choose this way, you must follow the steps below.


  • Visit the website of Oman air in your suitable search engine
  • Then you have to open the contact us page from the left side of the screen
  • Following this, you need to open the complaint form
  • After this, you must fill out the passenger details like complete name, contact number, email id, etc.
  • Further, you have to mention the booking details like the date of flight departure and timings of the flight.
  • Next, you need to say your complete query in the given space and then submit the complain
  • Last, the representative will connect with you and resolve your issue


Via Mail: If you want to send your complaint via mail, then you need to follow the below points 


  • You have to click on the mentioned link info@omanairusa.com
  • Then you need to select your account
  • You need to say the mail id and password and log in to your account.
  • Further, you must say your complaint, flight ticket, or other relevant documents.
  • Within 24 hours, you will receive the representative's mail and reply. 


Social Media: You can also send your complaints on different social media platforms. If you want to do that, you need to open the social media application of Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and then find the page of Oman air. After this, you need to go to the message section, mention your complete query, and send it. Last you will get the solution to your question from the representative operating that page.

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