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Why Does the Water From the Water Purifier Turn White?

Why Does the Water From the Water Purifier Turn White?

The function of the water purifier is to purify the filtered water, but if there is a problem with the water coming out of the water purifier, what do we do? Today, let's the reason why the water purifier is white/bubbled.


1. Caused by changes in water pressure

When tap water is transported remotely through pipelines, the gases in the pipeline and the gases in the air will dissolve in water in large quantities under the action of pressure. When the tap water enters the water purifier, it will be pressurized by the pump again, which means that the water has always been under pressure during the flow process, and the gas in the water has not been released. So when this part of the water flows out of the water purifier, the gas in the water is suddenly released, and a large number of bubbles are expanded, causing the water to look milky white. After standing for a while, the water slowly changes back to a transparent color. The water quality will not be affected, so please drink with peace of mind. Under this circumstances, you’d better buy Simpure Y7 RO drinking water system to have a better experience


2. Residual filter element protection liquid

To ensure the safety of the filter element and the water purification effect, the manufacturer will give a layer of protective liquid on the surface of the filter element. After the water purifier is newly installed or just replaced with the filter element, open the faucet to release water, here, we need to check in advance whether the water purifier at home has a water storage bucket, the water purifier with a water storage bucket will suggest that the Qin powder put away a few more buckets of water, and the water purifier without a water storage bucket is recommended to rinse for 2 hours, stand for 24 hours, and rinse for 2 hours.


3. Activated carbon filter to produce bubbles

There is also a case where the machine has a rear-activated carbon filter. Activated carbon in the filtration, will release a large number of fine bubbles, which is actually a good phenomenon Oh, to a certain extent, indicating that the surface adsorption capacity of activated carbon is good.

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