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Versatile E-Scooter is now more affordable than ever!

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 Versatile E-Scooter is now more affordable than ever!

Join the freedom movement to be self-reliant and independent. Versatile offers you the most reliable, affordable and efficient personal mobility with upgraded VE variants.

Versatile VE series comes with an extensive research and advanced technology to give you the best riding experience. All the models are engineered with energy-efficient technology and smart battery to ensure reliability, affordability, and sustainability!

Our Electric Scooters are innovative, easy-to-handle, and environment-friendly mobility options that will be with you in every journey, adventure, and exploration. All the models are crafted with the control and convenience that never lets you down.

Specifications & Features

Range: 45 | 55 | 90 Kms *

Top Speed: 25Km/h

Charging Time: 4-6hrs

Electricity Consumed: 0.5 | 1 Units

Alloy Wheels

Zero Maintenance

Dual Disc Breaks

All Metal body

Dual Spring Shock Absorber

Battery Level Indicator

Powerful 250-watt motor

Water Resistant Motor

155 mm Ground Clearance

LED Projector Headlamp

Maximum payload of 150 Kgs

(* All the numbers shown here are derived under standard testing conditions. The actual values are subject to change according to the model of the bike, its running condition, roads, and other variables.)

Are you looking to switch to smart vehicles, ride independently and save money at the same time? The all-new VE Series makes you feel comfortable and rides much better than typical fuel-driven bikes. 

Versatile Electric Scooters offers you an irresistible 0% interest EMI,pay in easy installmentsat no extra cost. Log in to our website or contact us via phone to book one for yourself. 

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