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Cleaning Hacks That Aren’t All That

Carl Lacorcia
Cleaning Hacks That Aren’t All That

The Begining...

We know there is plenty of stuff about bathroom and how to clean it. But before cleaning it, the main room of your home should be built perfectly. It is always good when you get your bathroom remodelling done wisely.

If you’ve ever been down the rabbit hole of clicking on an interesting-looking article on the internet, only to lead onto another and then another. The next thing you know you’re reading about clever cleaning solutions that you can do with vinegar.

The age-old story of you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet (this article is an exception of course)! It’s often referred to as clickbait, as its sole intention is to find your niche interests and present you with marketing catering to these tastes.

Let's Dive into it:

I recently came across an article that mentioned some of the clever cleaning hacks that are hassle-free and will give you back more time in your day. Unfortunately, as I read this article, I came across more and more things that are completely and utterly nonsensical. In fact, some of these ideas were so poorly thought out that they brought me to write this piece, purely to educate anyone who is not wise enough to avoid these traps.

Vinegar is not a miracle cleaning agent that can do everything, and in fact, there are several types of surfaces that should really not be exposed to vinegar. There’s no denying that vinegar can be used with baking soda to lift out the most stubborn stains when used correctly. Of course, this combination is not ideal to use on every type of surface due to the abrasive nature of the chemical reaction caused when mixing these two products.

So instance can be:

A prime example of a place where it should NOT be used is to clean Granite countertops. Repetitive use will slowly break down the sealants applied to the stone surface, eventually allowing the vinegar to penetrate and discolour it. Of course, there are some stone bench materials that are more resistant to this effect, but if you’re not sure either find a test area to use that’s not easily visible or check with a professional.

Secondly be very wary of using it in bathrooms, in particular on anything with tiling grout, as it will eventually cause it to turn yellow and crumble. It also should not be used in bathtubs or sinks as it will eat away at the seals used and eventually allow water to escape. If you are experiencing a leak in the kitchen then https://www.toscanoplumbing.com.au/leak-detection-plumber/ can save your kitchen.

Vinegar should also never be used in dishwashers, as it will quickly deteriorate the rubber seals due to its acidic nature. For dishwasher cleaning, always use a specialised dishwasher cleaning product, or rely on some good old-fashioned elbow grease!

Finally, NEVER mix it with cleaning agents that contain bleach (or Hydrogen Peroxide). The mixture of these two liquids can create toxic peracetic acid, which can leave chemical burns and change the texture and colour of softer surfaces. Even more importantly this acid can cause skin irritations and respiratory issues from toxic fumes.

Let's Conclude:

With so many different cleaning products available on the market it can sometimes be a little overwhelming as to what can be the right product to suit your needs. At the end of the day, there really are two easy ways to find out the answer, and that is to test it out yourself or consult a reputable source of information, such as Choice magazine which tests these sorts of products by comparing them under the same environments and see which ones perform the best. Thankfully, the products that work the best usually stay around for quite some time, so when you’re onto a good thing you can stay with it!




Carl Lacorcia
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