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Why Is Having A Good Business Credit Score Important?

Why Is Having A Good Business Credit Score Important?

A business credit score is a rating based on the predicted ability of     a business to pay back its debts. It is calculated and determined by a third-party credit bureau by examining and assessing a business’ financial history. With this information, creditors and lenders can make decisions on whether or not to proceed with offering loans and credit to a particular business.

Today, there are three major business credit bureaus that calculate and issue business credit scores to businesses. Using their respective algorithms and criteria, Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, and Experian offer business credit scores between 0 and 100, depending on a business’ payment history and other factors.

What are the benefits of a good business credit score?

By striving to achieve and maintain a good business credit score, a business can receive several benefits, such as:

More and better business opportunities

Investors and lenders are much more likely to lend you money if they see your Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, or Experian business credit report and see a good credit score. Having a good Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, and/or Experian business credit score can make them more interested in supporting your business ventures and open up your business to more and better opportunities.

Valuable insights about your business

Your Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, or Experian business credit score is a representation of how your business is doing financially. Having a good business credit score means your business is on the right track. So, the higher your business credit score, the better your business situation is. It informs you that you have been making sound financial decisions so far, and lets you know that you should continue doing what you have been doing. It also allows you to receive approval for business loans more easily. On the other hand, if your business credit score is low, it signifies that your business practices may need some improvement. It could indicate, for example, that you need to make better decisions, pay your outstanding bills on time, or reduce your overall debt.

Create a solid safety net

our business may be doing well right now, but you do not know how it will be next month, next year, or in a decade. By getting a regular Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, or Experian business credit report and working towards a good business credit score, you can build a strong safety net for your business that can be very valuable in case of a financial crisis. When the need to borrow money comes, your good business credit score can be your lifesaver.

Protect your own personal credit score

If you have a business, there might have been a time when you were tempted to apply for a personal loan instead of a business loan to fund your business costs. You should know that, while this might have been your only option in the very early days of your business, that it is not a smart long term play, because it doesn’t allow your business to stand on its own terms. Ideally, you’d want   to build up your business credit so that your business can be in a better financial position and qualify for business loans, without putting your personal credit and personal finances on the line.

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