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Difference between Website and Web Application


What is web application?

Web application is chunk of software that is accessed through browser. The web application uses both server side and client side communication. It requires a server to manage requests coming from the client or user side.

Web application is totally different from the mobile application and desktop application. As you can have directly access it through the link. You don’t require it to download from the store. Generally web applications are responsive in nature. So, you can have the access of it from any devices. Most of web applications are dynamic and it needs server side processing.

Example of web application are amazon, you tube, google apps, etc.

What is website?

Website is the collection of interlinked pages which has single name domain hosted on the server with the unique IP address. Website development is done by professional developers or individuals for the business. You can access website from any devices like mobile, tablets, desktops, etc. There are many types of websites related to news, tourism, education, real estate, fun, industries, etc.

The good and perfect website should be business goal oriented. It only contains the information which is necessary to the users. As website is the principle part of any business for its online presence. A website can be build using different languages like c++, Java, html, php, etc.

Example of website are blogs, forums, etc.

Why Web Applications are required?

·     Web applications are easy to maintain compare to desktop applications.

·     It can be used on any platform like Mac, Windows, Linux, etc. As they run on any modern web browsers.

·    Web applications have ease of access from anywhere from any device like tablets, computer or mobile phones.

·    Web applications are profitable for any business firm. License versions are little bit costly compared to free versions.

Why Websites are required?

·      Websites are required to display services and products of a business.

·      It represents the identity of your online presence.

·      It is used to build your branding reputation.

·      Specific towards to achieve your business goals.

·      Customer support can be easily handled.

Features of Web Applications:

·      It is cloud hosted

·      Web applications are cross-platform applications.

·      They are tested through automatic testing.

·      Security is essential feature of web application.

Features of Website:

·      Website should be user friendly for hassle free browsing.

·      It should also contain quality content to have user eyes.

·      Qualitative content should be display richly.

·      It should be searched easily through search engine.

Drawback of Web Applications:

·      You cannot guarantee for security. So, it is endangered for unofficial access.

·      The web application might not support different browsers with supersede.

·      The web apps are built especially for some OS. So, from the web store it is difficult to find.

·      You will have limited scope to access certain features.

Drawback of Website:

·      A website may crash anytime which is not good. That will cause bigger loss to your business.

·      As you are having contact form in your website, that might cause unwanted and spam emails.

·      The untrustworthy or inundated content may keep website ideal.

In short, a website is a group of interlinked webpages representing a business. While web application is programme or software which is accessed through only web browser. Creating a website makes your strong presence online. You will not require any official approval from the app store for web application. A website will show your skills, expertise and products. While web application is just like online tool for your process automation.

For developing any kind of web application or website, you can hire web Development Company in Arizona or you can create your in house team. But I think to hire a company is better option. Here you will get all the talent at one place. 

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