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Refresh Your Skin with Laser Genesis Facial and Hair Removal Treatment

Refresh Your Skin with Laser Genesis Facial and Hair Removal Treatment

Glowing and healthy-looking skin the desire of every man and woman on earth. The harsh elements and sun reflection etc. damage your skin. Medical spas can provide a range of treatments to help your skin look radiating. 

Laser genesis facial treatment offers a gentle way to achieve dramatic results, leading to skin that looks and feels years younger. As the name depicts, laser genesis is a skin care technique that uses gentle and non-invasive lasers to improve your skin. Beauty lovers also prefer best laser hair removal Calgary treatment to remove unwanted hair from their body with ease and refresh the skin. 

Laser genesis facial treatment treats specific conditions or imperfections such as sun damage, excessive redness, enlarged pores, mild scars and fine line wrinkles. First the specific areas of your skin are identified during consultation and then treated by a medical technician. The process is close to painless, with most patients reporting a simple warming sensation in the areas being treated. The treatment comprises arrays of sessions and each session crops results, capping a significant change in 4-5 visits. Though, there are some patients who need more visits. The treatment is well offered at many medical spas. 

Laser genesis can be widely used to treat any part of the body. Though, it is mostly used on the face, neck, chest and hands. Laser genesis is used to treat the dermis – the middle layer of skin. It works by penetrating the top layer of skin and deliver micro-pulses of light to the dermis. These micro-pulses heat up the dermis, and the warming action shrinks blood vessels. Laser genesis leaves your skin free of scars, broken blood vessels and redness, with the added benefit of naturally increased collagen production. 

Laser genesis facial treatment is an easy, pain-free and relaxing treatment. In this treatment, the area will be cleaned to ensure your skin is free of any lotions or makeup. The procedure is done by an experienced technician who will move the laser genesis wand over the treatment area. During the treatment your skin may feel a slight warming sensation. Your treatment will complete within 20-30 minutes. 


View source:https://medium.com/@skinlab615/refresh-your-skin-with-laser-genesis-facial-and-hair-removal-treatment-e7de9e2ff1ea

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