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The Advantages of Using Steel Racking for Industrial Storage Systems

Robert A. Lehman
The Advantages of Using Steel Racking for Industrial Storage Systems

How your warehouse is organized is one of the most important factors to its success. Choosing the right type of shelving for your warehouse is paramount to its overall efficiency, and therefore also to its success. There are several types of racking systems that are suitable for warehouse operations, however, steel racking is a popular option for a number of reasons. Let's take a look at some of the top advantages of steel shelving so you can determine whether it is the right choice for you.

1. Strength

Steel racking offers a higher storage capacity when compared to other shelving materials. With steel, you are able to store heavier, larger items with ease. This can include things like machine parts, electronic tools and bar stock. So, if your warehouse has larger items that need to be stored, steel shelving is one of your best options. 

2. Durability

Steel shelving is highly resistant to temperature change as well as things like moisture from humidity. While other forms of industrial metal shelving have the potential to mould, rot or damage over time, steel shelving is incredibly durable and has the ability to last an entire lifetime. This is due to corrosion-resistant finishes that reject rust and oxidation so that all your products can remain pristine. Additionally, steel shelving as opposed to other shelving systems is strong enough to endure all the loading and unloading done by forklifts and automated picking equipment. They can take a lot of wear and tear, including if there are any forklift collisions, picker damage or things getting knocked into it during transportation. 

3. Good long-term investment

Steel shelving can help you save money in the long run. This is because steel shelving is designed to withstand a lot of abuse, which means that you won’t constantly be repairing or replacing parts as you use it. It is also very flexible in its use, which offers the ability to rearrange it as your needs change, instead of buying new shelving.

4. Versatility

Clip-style shelving is a strong, versatile and cost-effective shelving system that is one of the best options for steel shelving. With clip shelving, you can customize shelving spaces in a number of ways to suit your warehouse needs. This can include customizations like installing drawers and cabinets all the way to different types of dividers. Thus, if you need to add a customization to increase the weight capacity of your shelving, you can easily add cross-bracing or other supports. 

5. Increased Visibility

Steel shelving offers customized layouts that fit any requirements you have for your warehouse. This also involves increased visibility, as metal shelving, especially of the open variety, allows your personnel to retrieve stock from all four sides. This saves a lot of time as products can be easily seen from the isles you create, allowing you to locate them very quickly. The open system also allows for much easier access. 

Customize your steel racking

With heavy-duty steel shelving, your warehouse operations can function seamlessly and efficiently, while also being free from most day-to-day damage. If steel shelving sounds like the solution you are looking for, check out Gold Wind Engineering. Established in 2011, they deliver shelving and industrial racking products throughout Singapore and Malaysia. They are able to help you with anything from the design, fabrication and installation of storage racking systems to warehouse safety inspections. 

Contact Gold Wind Engineering today for a free price estimate.

Robert A. Lehman
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