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Why Blogging is Critical in Any Digital Marketing Strategy

dana kim
Why Blogging is Critical in Any Digital Marketing Strategy

Blogging is a great way to improve your website's SEO and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. It's also an effective way to create content that's authentic, engaging, and relevant for your audience. While many businesses are catching on to the advantages of blogging, there are still some who may not realize how much impact this type of marketing can have on their business.

In this article, we'll explore the reasons why you should include it in your business plan and why ignoring it might hurt your chances of success.

Boosts brand awareness

Blogs are a great way to build your brand, establish yourself as an authority in your industry, and create a personal connection with your audience. When you blog regularly, it can help you build a reputation for yourself and boost brand awareness by establishing trust with readers.

The benefits of blogging include:

  • Builds trust with readers by providing valuable information related to the products or services that they're looking for (i.e., if you're selling cars)
  • Establishes credibility as an expert in your field
  • Can be used as an SEO tool

Establishes your authority

Blogging is an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy. It helps establish your authority in your industry and provides a platform to share your knowledge and expertise with others. In addition, blogging helps you build a community around your brand, which can lead to increased loyalty among customers as well as attract new prospects who may become repeat customers over time. Finally, blogging will help boost SEO rankings (search engine optimization) by providing fresh content that keeps Google happy!

Increases traffic on your website and/or social media

Blogging is a great way to increase traffic on your website, as well as social media accounts. By creating engaging content and sharing it with the world, you can get more followers on Facebook or Instagram and likes for posts that are relevant to your audience.

It’s also an effective way to get more traffic from search engines. If you create content that answers questions people are searching for, you can rank higher in Google and Bing.

Improves SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engines. It's important for any digital marketing strategy because it can help you get more traffic to your website and improve its visibility.

When people search for products or services online, they often don't go beyond the first page of results (meaning: if you're not on that first page, then you don't exist). This means that if you want people to find what they're looking for on Google or Bing--and thus become potential customers--you need SEO!

Provides valuable content and improves conversion rates

Blogging is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. It provides valuable content and improves conversion rates, but there are many reasons why it's so important:

  • It keeps people coming back to your site
  • It helps you establish a personal connection with your customers
  • It builds trust between you and potential customers

Increases shares on your content

The more people share your content, the more they are building trust with you and your brand. You are showing them that you have something valuable to offer. You're also establishing yourself as an expert in your industry--and demonstrating that you are a credible source of information.

The best way to get others talking about what you've written is by making sure it's worth talking about! That means creating great blog posts that solve problems or answer questions; providing useful tips; sharing newsworthy information; or even just writing something funny or entertaining (which can be hard!).

Helps you stay relevant in the industry

Blogging is a great way to stay relevant in your industry. Blogging also helps you build your brand, establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your industry, and get more traffic to your website and social media channels.

You can use blogging to:

  • Keep up with current trends within the digital marketing space by writing about them on a regular basis. This will keep you informed about what's happening now so that when clients come looking for help with their next campaign or project, they'll know that they're dealing with someone who knows their stuff!
  • Establish yourself as an expert in this field by sharing knowledge with others through content creation like blog posts or eBooks (more on those later). When people read these pieces of work and see how knowledgeable they are about certain topics within this field such as SEO vs PPC vs Social Media Marketing Strategies - then those same individuals may even consider hiring them directly because they know exactly what kind of results one could expect from working alongside such professionals like yourselves.

Blogging can improve your company's online presence by increasing brand awareness and establishing yourself as an authoritative figure in your industry.

Blogging is a great way to establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your industry. By consistently producing high-quality content, you can increase brand awareness and establish yourself as the go-to source for information on your topic. Blogging also helps improve SEO by providing valuable content that people want to read, which will drive traffic back to your website or social media platforms.

If done correctly, blogging can provide valuable insights into how customers think and feel about certain products/services or features within those products/services that may not have been previously considered by company leadership (or even thought possible). This insight can help improve conversion rates by making it easier for potential customers to find what they're looking for when visiting your site--and might even lead them straight into becoming paying clients!


Blogging is a great way to improve your company's online presence. It can help you boost brand awareness, establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your industry and increase traffic on your website or social media accounts. The best part about blogging is that it's easy to do! There are many free platforms like WordPress which allow anyone with basic computer skills access to creating professional-looking blog posts with ease. So if you haven't started blogging yet then now would be a perfect time!

dana kim
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