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Get The Best Audience Intelligence Platforms | TechDogs

Bryan Smith
Get The Best Audience Intelligence Platforms | TechDogs

Whoever said “Customer is King” knew what he was saying.

We live in a customer-centric world, where businesses are constantly under pressure to discover and implement innovative methods to reach and stay connected to their audience. Targeting relevant audiences is more important than ever, but it has become increasingly difficult because they’re spread across a large number of digital spaces.

In such a setting, is it easy for businesses to stay customer focused and still be ahead in the race?

Indeed, it is! Technology has the answer to everything. (Don’t we know Alexa & Siri too well?)

There is often a disconnect between what businesses think they know about their customers and what customers think they know about a business. AIPs aims to solve this by helping companies unify customer data into a single customer profile using 2nd and 3rd data sets. The holistic profile created by the aggregation of data from various digital spaces helps businesses understand personality traits and dynamic daily behaviors.

An overview of the audience intelligence platform's segmentation may be found below:

1) Audience Identification

2)Identity Resolution

3) Universal Identifier

As the digital revolution accelerates, brands and businesses are being forced to adapt to stay relevant. In this new landscape, consumers are using multiple channels to find, purchase, and engage with products and services.

The globe will observe audience intelligence platforms influencing all facets of sales cycles and consumer relationships as the technology underlying their advances. The impact of audience knowledge on marketing tactics and consumer behavior was evident. READ MORE

Bryan Smith
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