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Cataract Surgery Recovery: 8 Tips to Minimize Recovery Time

Seema Eye Care Centre
Cataract Surgery Recovery: 8 Tips to Minimize Recovery Time

Cataract surgery in Calgary is a simple medical procedure that should only take 10 minutes. Therefore, expect that the recovery time will only be minimal. However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind to ensure that you are on your way to recovery. Whether you are just planning to seek treatment or you already have an appointment scheduled for the procedure, you should know how to manage your situation.

8 Important Tips from Eye Surgeons in Calgary: Your Best Surgery Recovery

Cataract removal procedures are safe, as long as licensed eye surgeons in Calgary are conducting them. Around 96% of patients have experienced great results and with no complications. If you follow the tips below, you can guarantee the shortest recovery time.

1. Drinking Water

Drinking lots of water before and after cataract surgery is not something that most people will consider. Understand that the human body is composed of about 60% water. While you will remain conscious during the procedure, the procedure will still put a strain on your body. Water is probably the best thing that you can ingest while your body is healing. After the surgery, your eyes may feel drier than usual. Drinking water will prevent your eyes from becoming too dry, according to the eye specialist near you.

2. Planning with Pre-Cooked Meals

You might want to fill your fridge with pre-cooked foods. Dishes like stir-fry, meatballs, spaghetti, mac and cheese, casseroles, and lasagna are great examples. If you don’t love cooking, inform your family members or your friends that you are going to be seeking LASIK cataract surgery. Tell them that you may not be able to cook for a couple of days. They may offer to help you in the kitchen for the time being.

3. Take Some Time to Relax

You should also schedule a few days off of work. If you don’t have any complications, you should be able to return to your work after a couple of days. However, you should not expect that you will be able to return to your work on the same day as the surgery. You may notice that your eyes will become extra sensitive. The recommended step to take is to relax and stay at home.

4. Use the Eye Drops as Recommended

Your cataract surgery specialist should prescribe you with eye drops. They may provide you with an antibiotic type of eye drop that will prevent the development of infection. There should also be an anti-inflammatory to control the inflammation. Use this according to the instructions of your doctor.

5. Avoid Strenuous Activities

Relaxing is very important while you are healing. Avoid lifting heavy stuff and performing strenuous activities. Heavy lifting may increase intraocular pressure. It may also cause different complications, such as lens dislocation and retinal detachment.

6. Avoid Swimming

You should avoid swimming a month following your surgery. Since your eyes will be more susceptible to infections, you should wait until your eyes have fully recovered to avoid contracting a disease from the bacteria. The cost of cataract surgery in Calgary is not cheap, and you want to ensure that it is going to prove to be successful.

7. Stop Rubbing Your Eyes

Rubbing your eyes is always a bad idea. The bacteria on your hands can transfer to your eyes and cause an infection. The flap is still in a fragile state, and rubbing your eyes can damage them. This will then lead to different complications. If you feel eye irritation, you should use artificial tears.

8. Ask the Necessary Questions

Before your cataract surgery in Calgary, it is essential to ask vital questions. It will help you manage your expectations and will ease your nerves. Your cataract screening is the perfect opportunity to tell your doctor about any of your concerns.

For more information visit us: 130-1016 68 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2V 4J2, Canada

Seema Eye Care Centre
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