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7 Part Time Job Ideas For Students

David SFS

With competition all around, students have become very keen to develop skills and have work experiences so that they can be better professionals in their lives. Additionally, a lot of students also wish to meet their daily expenses rather than depending on their parents all the time which is also a very good habit. For all those students who wish to develop their skills, gain experiences in the work and professional field, and earn their pocket money at the earliest, then doing part-time jobs are the best ideas for you after graduating from class 12th or 10th. This will also create a sense of responsibility and help in understanding the importance of financial independence in life.

Once you start to touch the linings of your desire to be financially independent and self-sufficient, it can be a powerful trait about yourself. A lot of parents might find it unnecessary for their children to earn their expenses at an early age in their lives, but this is a very good habit and children can learn a lot in their lives from these working experiences. Moreover, part-time jobs after the 10th or 12th might also help students decide if they want to pursue a full-time career in the same area. This article will help students to understand some of the part-time jobs after the 10th or 12th that will help them start earning.

  1. Personal Tutor

As the name implies, a Personal Tutor is also called a Home Tutor who is a tuition teacher who teaches younger kids and personally helps them grow academically. The work of a personal tutor or home tutor is to teach whatever is already taught in the school for better understanding. Personal tutors need to be very focused on their work as the academic performance of the child depends on the understanding of the concepts. A home tutor also helps and assists in finishing assignments, projects, and home-works for the pupils and developing their learning abilities. Home Tutoring is a very well-paid and good part-time job for 12th pass students. This job also helps in keeping students updated about all the basic information which also becomes very important if the students are preparing for competitive exams. Many websites nowadays are also hiring part-time personal tutors online who offer educational support to young children online in various subjects. Home tutoring is indeed one of the good part-time jobs after the 12th for young students who are wishing to earn their expenses.

2. Blogging

Blogging has become one of the most popular and exploding professions in the digital platform in the last few years. Digital Media or the internet has become such that necessity in the lives of people that it has completely replaced the traditional media in the present time. With this, the significance of blogging has increased to a great extent and has proven to be one of the most promising professions. It is also a great work from home option that students after 10th and 12th can easily work for some hours of their day as a part-time job and earn some extra money for themselves. On online platforms, Bloggers are people who share their knowledge and skills with a large audience present. In addition to expressing oneself and sharing knowledge with online viewers and readers, blogging also allows one to earn money and build a professional network in different fields and areas. If you are confused about who bloggers are, they are those people who are very enthusiastic about sharing their ideas with the rest of the world. As a Blogger, one should have the ability to create original content and should hone your editing and SEO skills which is a very important part of blogging. Writing blogs is limitless. One can write anything and everything in a blog depending on the theme and topic. The best part about blogging is that it is open to all ages, gender, group and nationalities.

3. Content Writing

Content Writing is another great option for part-time jobs for students. The profession of a content writer demands to have someone who can develop relevant and entertaining written content for an organisation or someone who has hired the mentioned expert. Some relevant examples of such content includes writing for an organisation or individual’s websites, blogs, research papers, social media platforms, etc. Content Writing is one such amazing job that allows people to work without even having a course or degree in content writing. One can work as a content writer if he or she has experience writing as an intern or published materials. If they have a good portfolio of work, it is possible to break into the sector without any problem. Hence, this is one of the best part-time jobs for students after graduating from school as it also needs no investments. As a Content Writer, one must be proficient in a range of writing and publishing products, such as Microsoft Office, G Suite, and WordPress, to be successful in this position. Nowadays more and more businesses are turning to freelance and independent writers for their content writing needs.

4. Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing in recent times has become a very popular profession around the world. Especially amid the Covid-19 lockdown, a lot of people have developed their digital skills utilising their time indoors and turned out to be great graphic designers. To explain in detail, Graphic designing is the use of visual content like typography, colour palette, illustrations and images to portray an idea. It is dominantly a part of advertising and helps the brand to communicate to its audience visually. Graphic designing majorly contributes to developing a sense of understanding between a brand, and its audience by communicating what the brand represents through the creative design created. From the cover of your favourite book to the wrapper of your favourite chocolate to the visual aesthetic of the website you’re reading right now, is all created by a graphic designer. If you’re someone who is often referred to as a tech geek and have an understanding and appreciation for art, then graphic designing can be your thing. And if you know Photoshop then you can easily work as a part-time graphic designer for many organisation that keeps looking for paid interns and part-time employees.

5. Call Centre Representative and Tech Support

Call Centre or Tech Support Representative is a great option for a part-time job as it allows working per shift. Call Centres deal with customer service experience, sales and research. The representatives of these call centres are supposed to answer calls from the customers and assist them in solving problems or any other way for which they call. These representatives also deal with Emails, live chats, and postal services. Additionally, Call Centre Representatives’ works vary from tracking pending cases, fixing disputes, and working closely on complaints and grievances to offering assistance with financial transactions and notifying clients and consumers about new products and services. Becoming a call centre representative is one of the most popular choices of students looking for part-time jobs after the 12th as it pays well and the student also gets time to continue their higher studies. To become a good call centre representative, good communication, especially listening is very important, as it will help to listen and ask appropriate questions to the clients to solve their queries. Problem-solving, decision making, multitasking, patience, etc are other important skills to acquire through this work that will also help students in their future.

6. Library Assistant

If you are someone who loves to spend time around books in a quiet place and is not much into socialising, then Library Assistant is a job for you. A lot of students feel the need of earning their pocket money but are not very fond of the crowded and noisy environment. For such students, being a library assistant can be a very good part of the part job to do and earn their bit. A library assistant keeps libraries organised , helps others find books or resource materials and makes sure the library is operating efficiently. Students can work in their on-campus or local library if they are someone with a passion for literature and reading books would be a great fit for a library assistant role.

7. Artisan

Do you have a special talent for crafting that you are willing to share with the world? If yes, then you can start making good money from your handmade goods on various websites for selling goods. Etsy and Amazon’s Handmade are two of the very good websites for art and craft and various other such sites sell handmade crafts of Artisans. However, the craft is not just limited to selling your art on other websites. You can also create a social media page exclusively for your craft goods and start promoting them online. Take orders and sell the goods through social media to interested customers you find.

About SFS School, Guwahati

SFS Guwahati is one of the best Private CBSE School in Guwahati with Integrated Coaching, awarded with the “Certificate of Excellence” by Bharat Shiksha Puraskar and Ranked №24 across India for “Mental Health” Ranking 2021

David SFS
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