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David SFS

Hi, young friends!

All of you have got your results and most of you have been promoted to the next class. You’ve probably bought brand new books and uniforms too. There must be celebrations going on at home with sweets and other delicacies.

Some of you may have performed exceptionally well and made your teachers and parents proud. Some of you may have performed average. And a few of you may not have been able to perform the way your teachers/parents had desired. And you may have been retained in the same class.

Relax! There’s nothing to be embarrassed of. Failure is not the end of the world. Even Albert Einstein performed poorly in some of his exams when he was a schoolgoing child. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times while trying to develop a commercially viable light bulb. He is known to have said, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”

So, you also need to find a way that will work for you. Firstly, identify the factors that led to this failure. It could be excessive usage of the mobile phone, spending hours on social media, not having a proper plan, or not sticking to a routine. As soon as you identify the factors, get to work on them.

You could start by having a plan. Planning is crucial to achieve success. Without a plan, you’ll be like a rudderless ship. Make a plan/routine as soon as you can and make sure you stick to it. I’m sure you agree that social media wastes a lot of time. So, please limit its usage. Another distraction could be playing games on the phone. It’s extremely time-consuming. If you want to use the phone, put an alarm and stop using the phone the moment your alarm goes off. Apart from these reasons, you could be distracted because you have problems at home, maybe your parents keep fighting all the time, making it difficult for you to concentrate on studies. In that scenario, you’ll have to take the help of your school counsellor/teacher or a relative you trust. Or do you find it difficult to concentrate or retain stuff while studying? There are various tests that can be conducted to know if you need help. You could speak to your school counsellor/teacher about this.

Once you stick to a plan, minimise distractions and identify and resolve all factors which had led to failure. I’m sure half of the battle will be won. After that you just need to work a little harder. And everything will fall into place.

And even if it doesn’t fall into place, be calm and keep working hard because one day you will definitely succeed. Please do not ever think of harming yourself. You are much more precious than anything else and results are just a part of life, not life itself. Your life is the most beautiful gift and always remember that your parents and teachers adore you. Do not do anything that will hurt you and them. If you have thoughts of self-harm, please discuss with your parents/school counsellor/teacher. They’ll give you the best advice.

Several other small, yet significant steps can help you stay focussed in your goals. For example, you can start maintaining a journal/diary. If you write down your thoughts daily, you’ll feel relaxed. Plus, writing everything down systematically will also help you find solutions to problems you are facing. You can also start talking a walk every day. Walking is a good exercise and it also improves brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain, thereby releasing endorphins that boost mental health. Moreover, try to eat more of homemade food rather than junk food and get at least 8–9 hours of sleep every day. Have a lot of water and fresh fruits. Diet also plays an important role in improving memory and concentration.

I hope you all find these tips useful to achieve success and, at the same time, do remember that failure is not the end of the world. And those of you who have performed well, please spare some time to help your friends who’ll benefit from your help.

About SFS School, Guwahati

SFS Guwahati is one of the best Private CBSE School in Guwahati with Integrated Coaching, awarded with the “Certificate of Excellence” by Bharat Shiksha Puraskar and Ranked No24 across India for “Mental Health” Ranking 2021

David SFS
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