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David SFS

Trees to the rescue!

Hi, young people!

Since International Day of Forests (March 21) is drawing near, I thought of sharing some disturbing statistics with you all: 1. Around 15 billion trees are chopped off every year.2. Since 1990, deforestation has robbed the world of approximately 420 million hectares of land.3. Every minute, we’re losing forests at a rate equivalent to 27 football fields.4. 28% of the world’s deforestation happens in Southeast Asia, where our country is located.5. The world is losing 137 species of plants, animals, and insects every day to deforestation.6. 50,000 species become extinct every year. Considering the above data, don’t you think it’s high time for us to take action? Now you might wonder how you, as an individual, can do something to solve the huge problem of deforestation. You might even doubt if your contribution actually matters or not. But, trust me, every single effort in this direction is crucial and it will help us reclaim the green cover. Have you heard of the environmentalist, Jadav Payeng? Well, he was just a teenager when he realised that he should do something about deforestation. One day, he saw snakes dying due to heat on a sandbar near the Brahmaputra River. He immediately started planting saplings and continued to do so for years until the sandbar became a lush forest, populated by animals and insects of every kind. Payeng’s contribution was recognised and he was honoured with the Padma Shri in 2015. Nowadays, he travels across the world to help other nations solve the problem of deforestation. Mexico has granted a ten-year visa to Payeng to help it replenish its green cover. So, if Payeng could take such a major step in his teens, why can’t you?To start with, you all can try out the following things: 1. Try to plant saplings in your compound and your neighbourhood under an adult’s supervision.2. Since the vision of your school is “nurturing Nature and fostering brotherhood,” you can discuss with your principal/teachers to chalk out a proper plan on how to go about planting saplings in and around your school.3. If anyone at home or in your neighbourhood wants to chop off tress, please request them politely not to do so.4. When you attend birthdays of your friends/cousins or anniversaries of your uncles, aunts, and acquaintances or any housewarming events, please gift them plants. Nowadays, you get potted plants which are convenient to carry. When the sapling grows big, it can be transferred to the soil.5. Just planting saplings is not enough — you need to take care of the plants too. Make sure you water these daily. But some plants don’t need water every day. You can ask your parents/teachers for advice regarding this.6. Whenever there’s some construction activity being conducted in your house or neighbourhood or school, please request the elders not to chop off trees but work a way out by keeping the trees intact. Some people have trees growing even inside their houses! It’s possible and perfectly fine. You just need to inform the architect or engineer that you don’t want to cut the trees. They’ll plan the construction accordingly.7. Along with planting saplings, you need to make sure your surroundings are clean too. Otherwise, how will trees grow in places littered with waste? So, please ensure you do not litter and use dustbins properly, while also encouraging your peers and grown-ups around to do the same.8. Some of you have big lawns. Apart from ornamental plants, make sure you plant fruit trees as well because seasonal fruits are good for health. You can also share those fruits with your neighbours and friends.9. If your parents are planning to buy furniture, you can suggest buying furniture made of other materials like vinyl, bamboo, etc. rather than wood. This will save trees from being chopped off. Nowadays, even steel door frames are available in the market, which are an eco-friendly substitute to wood.10. Do not waste paper. Use both sides of a sheet. Do not discard old copies. You can use the blank pages from those copies to make a rough book.11. We all get excited about our birthdays and wish we get lovely gifts from everyone around us. Sometimes, we also give return gifts to those who get us birthday gifts. But have you ever thought of giving a return gift to the planet? Try doing it from now onwards. Every year on your birthday, make sure you plant at least one tree. Consider it a return gift from you to the planet. The planet gives us a lot and it’s time to give a little bit to it too! So, go ahead and plant as many saplings as you can because without trees we won’t survive. And don’t forget to keep your surroundings clean too!

About SFS School, Guwahati

SFS Guwahati is one of the best Private CBSE School in Guwahati with Integrated Coaching, awarded with the “Certificate of Excellence” by Bharat Shiksha Puraskar and Ranked №24 across India for “Mental Health” Ranking 2021

David SFS
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