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Hair Transplantation: Myths And Misconceptions Debunked

Jacob Kaul
Hair Transplantation: Myths And Misconceptions Debunked

One of the most well-known cosmetic treatments performed throughout the world is "hair transplant," which requires no introduction. However, there is a lot of debate in the crowd over the procedure's expertise. There are many misconceptions about the hair transplant industry, which are primarily the result of ignorance.

The demand for hair transplant in India is fairly significant, and there are already several clinics offering this service in India. Yet, not all of these clinics are operated for the right reasons; others are only for profit. Due to increased competition in the hair transplant sector, hair transplant cost in India has decreased. Some clinics continue to uphold the international norms and provide accurate prices. Yet, most clinics compromise on the execution of surgical treatments that might be disastrous for the patients despite giving significant discounts.

It is difficult to distinguish between myth and actuality in the modern world when unethical behaviour has been curbed. So, it is wise to be educated so that you don't get sucked into falsehoods and half-truths. Individuals considering hair transplants frequently struggle with their decision because there are questionable clinics out there, which is solely to blame for the procedure's unreliability.

Our mission is to dispel myths about hair transplant procedures and educate people about their reality since successful outcomes depend heavily on patients having confidence in the process and understanding what can reasonably be anticipated from it.

The finest comfort and care are what Medispa hair transplant clinics strive to give to their patients, along with the best hair transplant outcomes at a reasonable, honest price. We never stray from the essential surgical protocols, and this has always resulted in the contentment and smiles of our patients. One of the top hair transplant surgeons in the world, Dr. Suneet Soni is renowned for his superb surgical abilities and creative eye for designing hairlines.

So, you may call Medispa clinics: a dependable option for your hair transplant if you want expert assistance before deciding on the treatment and to clear up any worries.

Busted myths about hair transplant

1.     Women should not have hair transplants

If you have heard the same, simply let them know that women also frequently get hair transplants. Certainly, this is welcome news for ladies who are currently experiencing hair loss and are feeling self-conscious or humiliated. The female hair transplant is a big success, but the treatment can be challenging and must be carried out by a skilled and experienced surgeon.

2.      The process hurts

If you're concerned about experiencing pain while undergoing the procedure, be assured that we'll make it absolutely painless. If you have the correct surgeon for the job, the hair transplant is carried out under local anaesthesia and is completely painless. Thus, if the only thing stopping you is the pain, go ahead; you won't regret it.

3.     After a hair transplant, you would lose the transplanted hair.

The majority of us believe that the hairs that are implanted during a hair transplant will eventually fall out. When only permanent hair roots—or, more precisely, DHT resistant hair roots—are transplanted to the intended bald area, hair transplantation is indeed a permanent treatment. When the hand-selected hair roots are transplanted into the bald region, they take on the characteristics of the roots themselves and endure forever. But, you should be cautious when choosing a surgeon since for the operation to provide permanent results, the hair follicles must be transplanted safely and damage-free.


4.      Hair transplants offer quick results

The technique is not for you if you want to see results following a hair transplant right away. The hair that has been transplanted is your natural hair, and it grows back in its own time. Hence, it usually takes a year or more following the treatment for the hair to fully grow.

5.     Hair transplantation is risky

If you select a surgeon who is appropriately trained, skilled, and knowledgeable in their field, having a hair transplant is completely safe. Indeed, a hair transplant is a minimally invasive technique with few, moderate side effects, such as slight swelling, mild discomfort, or mild itching during the initial days following the operation.

6.      Hair transplants can employ synthetic or third-party hairs:

Only when permanent hair roots are present in the body part designated as the donor region can the hair transplant process be carried out. There is no way to use fake hair or hair that belongs to someone else. The process extracts hair follicles from various parts of your body that have permanent roots.

7.     Hair transplants result in hair that looks unnatural.

If you have heard of hair transplant outcomes that are not natural, the surgeon's skill level, not the process, is what is wrong. If the surgeon you have selected is gifted with artistic ability, the surgery is entirely effective in producing the most natural-looking results.

8. Brain damage following a hair transplant

You are completely mistaken if you think it may harm your brain because it is protected by several layers and your skull, a very hard bone. The treatment, which has nothing to do with the brain, is carried out at a very superficial layer of the scalp.

Jacob Kaul
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